Disspellers are doing Gods Work

I think shaman should have to use reagents to drop totems. See how they like having 10 silver burned every time someone kills a totem. Purge should’ve never been in the game.

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The bigger problem isn’t that WBs are dispelable.

It’s that WBs have become such a mainstream/critical part of the game because they’re so powerful that not having them in raids is considered/treated as a significant handicap.


Well look at BC. Leatherworking became a requirement in top end guilds for drums. Having multiple shamans became mandatory to clear Sunwell or so many thought at the time.

Players have been this way for years. They always look for an advantage. These buffs mentioned as world buffs became mandatory on the world’s top guild in Naxx. Blizzard removed that meta with the first patch in BC. And that’s when it should end here as well. Now it’s more widespread knowledge that these buffs are so powerful. And why not get them if you have the time? They let you speed up your farm runs and ignore some mechanics. In AQ and Naxx this is what will allow your average raiding guild to still farm MC and BWL within their 2-3 day a week raid schedule.

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Wow, way to discount the hard work of shamans. Jerk.

TBC made some serious efforts to be more inclusive with respect to both pure and hybrid DPS.

TBC also made an effort to make other professions more relevant to players on an ongoing basis, rather than having ‘best professions’. The reality is that Leatherworking (through drums) was the best and by no small margin.

Instead of being something that helped people who wanted to be Leatherworking remain relevant in later content…it became ‘mandatory’ or ‘best’ if you cared about performance.

When someone has the benefit of hindsight, but then (deliberately) ignores it and chooses to careen into a cement wall in the name of ‘tradition’…that type of behavior (and the person who engaged in it) ought be scrutinized.

TBC will have changes when it launches because the developers and players have the hindsight. It will probably have more changes than Classic did, because people now also understand that ‘No changes’ doesn’t equate to a game that is similar to what they played in TBC.

It’s not that achieving the feel or spirit.of Classic or TBC isn’t achievable. It’s that doing so involves making changes to adjust for heightened player knowledge and how players (as a group) have changed over many years.


No, especially for healers. I get my Dire Mall buffs dispelles and I’m just like, ok buddy. I now have 3% less spell crit which would have been over-healing anyways lul. Have fun with that Mr. Priest. Songflower is easy enough to just get again real quick and the FR buff can be grabbed on the way to BWL.

So really NBD.

Its gunna be a busy day :slight_smile:

In my experience it goes further than simply dispelling buffs in BB. On my server there is a small group of people who spend hours of time griefing players in the safe zone to get rid of the non-dispellable buffs too by killing players.

A few mages arcane power-POM at same target and/or pack of rogues opening on you at the same time while in BB. Pretty crappy situation as the guards aren’t high enough level to kill them reliably, certainly not fast enough before you die.

You’ll have to adapt, get invis potions for when you land, log off. Get on an alt in BB to see when buff goes out and switch back just in time to get it.

World buffs were always used for raiding, but people didn’t obsess over them as much as they do now. Now they act as if buffs are required just to raid, despite them not even being useful for pushing new content because you lose them all in 1 death. No one complained about dispels on PVP back then as far as I can remember. Having used the forums back then, I’m probably one of the oldest forum users around. Most people just complained about class balances or being ganked.

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Personally I think it’s pretty funny. You could have a player on the opposite faction geared to the teeth but will actively avoid you if they see you are a priest or shaman. I am not one of those who dispels but I am well aware that people it and it it’s funny to me seeing someone flee just because of what class I play.

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I am personally loving this interaction. I have said elsewhere that this brings back memories of phase 2 and the thrill of traversing the open world not knowing what could happen.

It definitely has its drawbacks; i.e. people dont get to play their mains as much if they are logging buffs, people are afraid to go out in the open world alone, people are cautious of getting certain buffs before others.

Ultimately these negatives are caused by a specific player mindset but are not really causing any lasting damage to the game. For those of us who like being on a PvP server, even if we are outnumbers 2 : 1 now, this has been a refreshing new encounter to keep WoW entertaining.

I love that I have new world PvP otpions, I love that my new 60 priest alt has power the opposite faction fears, and I kinda like the idea of sneaking around the world grabbing buffs in Mulgore, Dire Maul, STV, Stormwind, Ferelas, UBRS, etc… I think it breathes new life into the game where rivalries are formed

Amen Brother!

Nice 12345

Nice fake edit mate, also highly ironic considering you’re massively undergeared and I’m geared to the teeth which means I have done the current Classic content?

However, PvP is PvP, if you don’t want to be disspelled - go to another realm?

You do realize that many people have multiple level 60s and this person might not be using his or her main, right?

Frankly, this whole thread is just said. Using the term ‘doing God’s work’ for something so trivial and inane just shows your lack of priorities.

The thing is he didn’t post on another Toon, so he’s open to criticism when he attempts to troll on the forums, so I am safe to assume that’s his main and he’s welcome to prove me wrong otherwise! Why are you defending him lad?

This whole thread is just said? I’m not sure what you mean, the forums are full of people crying about others being disspelled or purged asking for Blizzard to interfere when it’s really not a big problem.

It’s PvP, if you want to avoid it - go to a PvE realm.

I’ve been disspelled many times, and at each time I was disspelled - it was because I was caught off guard and 100% my own fault for being victim to it.

Edit: Why are you crying about it here on this thread, when 8 days ago you posted this stating you don’t care about World Buffs?

I’m pretty sure the only thing I’m missing is r12 gloves and the crossbow that hasn’t dropped all phase but go off king. It’s not my fault blue rings and rank gear are bis for my meme class. You caught me though, never been to BWL, stole my Ashkandi off an afk gnome.

Why would you play a gimped experience just to keep buffs safe?

DMN > summ BB > Port TB for DMF > summ SF > Port Org for RC & WB

Easy with a team of raiders working together and I normally have only lost about 7-8 mins of my DMN buffs by the time we pull

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Yup, this is the right way to go about it

Even then it’s an adventure trying to avoid the priests! :slight_smile:

How much are you paying?