Disspellers are doing Gods Work

I read a lot of angry threads and posts from people in the community around disspelling, but is it really that much of a big deal?

I personally really enjoy this dynamic, and it’s incredibly amusing watching helpless people hearth into Kargath blindly thinking they’re safe to suddenly lose all their buffs. It genuinely brings a smile upon my face, and when it happens to me (which has happened several times) I can only laugh at myself for failing to avoid it or being an easy fish.

World Buffs were never apart of Vanilla Raiding, or done on a micro-management scale where people insisted on raiding with buffs as wipes were… Quite normal.

However, disspelling people’s buffs adds a whole new dynamic to the game, having to play cautiously, safely, sitting in stealth the moment after I go through a portal - it’s all quite fun and exciting.

Don’t stop Priests, keep up the lords work


Wtf do you mean world buffs were never a part of vanilla? I clearly remember waiting around for Ony or Nef heads before farm nights. Nor were wipes a thing. You were just in a bad guild.

That said dispelling buffs is also funny.


Probably, I was 12 and now I’m 27.

All I remember was getting gkicked for being a squeaker, however - the raids I attended as a preb it was never really a requirement.

Either way, keep it up Priests!


Should have just played a female model and never speak in coms. Works every time!


I had a 200IQ moment as a 12 year old kicked from a guild on the US realm “Whisperwind”, they gkicked me for being a squeaker, so I made a ticket to Blizzard complaining that I was being bullied and needed a name change - they gave it to me.

Rejoined the Guild under a new name, stole Major Domo’s Chest - and never got back into a raid ever again!


They weren’t called world buffs. That’s a name given by players. As Kevin Jordan, a Vanilla dev, said they were for fun. Players have taken the time to gather them all.

It didn’t really hit the Vanilla raiding scene until late Vanilla during Naxx. It was seen as crazy to do. Fifteen years later were much more knowledgeable and a lot of us wish to play at the top of the game. So we put in the effort. Not hard and easy to get around stupid priests which is the vast majority of ones wasting their time dispelling. The smart ones have better things to do.

Best part is when the people dispelling to raid with full buffs and get wiped. Oh the tears!

I don’t have a problem with being able to dispell buffs.

For me (personally) it creates actual stakes when it comes to making it to a raid. Getting buffs and logging the night before eliminates a large amount of risk associated with traveling to places for buffs.

Will you be killed?
Will you be dispelled?
How can you play around other people who are deliberately gunning for you out in the open world?

I have mobility advantages…because I am a mage and can move across continents quickly. I’d probably find this cat and mouse game less entertaining if I was a warrior etc.

You are a rogue. Rogues (and Druids) have the biggest open world survival tools in existence.

Of course this is a fun mini game for you.
YOU have stealth.
Assuming YOU are competent…even if you are traveling totally alone with no support…you can be in stealth for virtually all of it. The times youl’d be most exposed would be trying to get a Darkmoon Fair nuff (the period where you need to talk to the NPC to get the buff) and Songflower hunting in Felwood.

Outside of very limited windows where your exposed…you live a pretty cushy existence in stealth.

Imagine being in plain sight everywhere you go…and that your not rolling with a group of 20-30.

Invisibility potions are a good idea…but their duration is ultimately pretty short.

I sit in cat prowling at the island in STV to get that buff, get a summon or travel to Dire Maul, prowl, logout, play an alt, log back in when instance is clear, grab DM buffs, teleport to Moonglade, fly to Felwood and grab Songflower buff, and then hearth to Stormwind to logout for one of the multiple head drops.

Stealth helps A LOT. Haven’t been dispelled once. Been killed, but that’s what I get for only having two talent points in Feral Instinct. You’re 100% correct that stealth is very useful when collecting world buffs. Night Elves have the option to shadowmeld too. Sure, invisibility pots are nice, but they only last a set amount of time. Can’t imagine getting buffs on a non-stealth class and the predicament of worrying about who will dispel or attack you next.

Transfer to pve realm

Suddenly all buffs are safe


You’re right, this is partly the reason why I have a good laugh at myself when I get caught because I’ve left myself open and messed up and paid the price for it.

I do feel sorry for other classes that can’t hide as well from it, but I guess they can use invisibility pots - I find the whole ordeal pretty amusing overall though.

Nobody here is complainin’ br0.jpeg

My point is your post is silly cuz in the end if people cared enough they could protect their buffs permanently

There is definitely counterplay available- you can get cheap buffs (scrolls and such) to make it less likely your good buffs will be dispelled, you can get warlock summoned from a safe location, you can have people without buffs or who don’t mind losing them zone in first.

For some reason the people who want them undispellable rarely mention any of this. I wonder why?

you may enjoy this one

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It’s faster - and usually safer - to get the buff in Booty Bay, not the island. And travel options from BB are easier than from GG.

For some sperds, parses is all they have. And eventually, there’s gonna be an entire Olympic Swedish swim team who can only ‘get amorous’ by looking at spreadsheets of 99.99% parses. Eventually.

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In phase 5 warcraftlogs is now making a new section for raids with no world buffs, so it will split the clear times of raids with and without buffs.

Following the new update that can now track works buffs in advanced combat logging.

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You just get DM Tribute and Songflower last, since you can’t dispel Rallying Cry and Zandalar. I don’t know why there’s such an outcry about this.

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Raid loggers who want to get through their 2 hour weekly play time with minimal fuss.

Usually. Just doesn’t normally align with my real life schedule. :rofl:

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I mean okay, but there is a ton of griefing going on as well. You have:

Guilds extorting players into paying them or they get dispelled
People creating characters to harm their own factions to ruin their speed clears
and People from other servers doing it to guilds who xfer off.

Why should a mechanism that is used for pure grief still be allowed to exist?