Dislike Button

It used to be pretty good for burying known troll posts.

Like people who bump 5 year old threads.


Here. Use Mine.


The best way to show dissatisfaction is to have a negative post immediately following and then ratio the hell out of the OP.


While i agree we have toxicity here i played CS:GO and LOL and boi…its waaaaay worst.

And i remember the internet a while agro crowned Rust community as the radioactive cesspool of gaming

I would say a dislike button should be enabled for viewers/readers of the Community Council board at least - if they refuse to enable it in the rest of the forums

If the rest of us can’t post replies there or share our thoughts on topic X, then a simple “dislike” button would give the community the ability to “vote” on which Community Council ideas they like/don’t like (as evidenced by the like-to-dislike ratio on any given thread)

Right? :laughing:

Honestly the fears of “people will just use alts to dislike-bomb other posters” are overblown. As you said, a very simple way to prevent such abuse is to just make it “1 dislike per Bnet account”

1 Bnet account
1 “dislike” allowed per post (prevents alt dislike-spamming abuse)

Problem solved :man_shrugging:

…the only posters “against” the idea of the dislike button coming back are those posters that have unpopular ideas or make disliked threads, in which case they’re the problem rather than the community (…because like you said: if their ideas/posts were good then they wouldn’t be getting dislikes in the first place)


I have been a forum lurker sub species for many many years through many many mmos. It is typical. EQ, EQ2, SWG, etc… all the forums drew trolls and people who liked to debate. I liked to read them, but rarely posted. I still don’t post that much. But Wow is one of my longest played games for sure.

Because too many dislikes might cause people to miss work for a “mental health” day… :clown_face:

They absolutely should add the dislike option.

“I am glad the Dislike Button is gone. It was abused a lot. I had many posts buried, but not because I said something others did not like, no. It was just because of my posting quirk. I got buried a lot, because I have a silly posting quirk. That was hateful and abusive. I am glad it is gone.”

1 Like

Have you not seen the type of posters on the wow forum?

For the love of all that is holy, why are we necroing 4 year old threads.


That’s what the flag button is for. For example, I don’t like you so I report you under false reasons to get you banned from the forums. That’s the flag button.



Didn’t they just get Diablo Immortal?

Plenty enough reason to keep their Dislike button.