you all can make this joke comment till the cows come home and it’ll NEVER be true. lol
This game thrives from day one BECAUSE we can do so much solo INCLUDING THE CORE of the game…QUESTING and ADVENTURE
“yeah, how dare they have that really good gear without having the skill to go with it! Busy ruining the experience for all of the REAL PLAYERS out there. What a tragedy.”
I sometimes wonder if folks even realize how they sound when they say things.
Oh, and the other half of that… let’s see… here we go.
“YEAH, not all of them dorks are scrubs, but dang it, it’s so HARD FOR ME to tell who’s a scrub and who isn’t since I can’t just look at their gear anymore! Now I have to actually play with someone and risk them not being GOOD ENOUGH FOR ME and MY TIME! BAH!”
They behave horribly in the game and in here…insulting, slandering, demeaning, belittling…literally THE behavior that makes other players DETEST them, lol.
and then they screeching that its “MUH MMO’z” lol.
its no wonder Ion and crew broke down and created AI dungeons and Delves are incoming lol
You all are doing group content in pugs which isn’t how mmorpgs were originally designed to function.
You should be playing with friends. If you don’t have any that play, the game should be providing players with opportunities to meet people to play with so that they can then become friends.
That some player turned video games into a second job, complete with job interviews and performance reviews is a product of players being too desperate or to lazy to adequately manage normal human social interaction.
That said, there are guilds out there with normal people doing normal thing nd managing to play the game such that it doesn’t need to dive into the absurdities that some players insist are the norm.
yeah…see, thats the problem. My schedule here is chaotic enough. I CANT commit to being here at X time on Y date. PUGS are about the only thing I can do as far as group content.
Likely one reason the queue was created…so more players could particpate regardless of their randomized life, lol
I mean, I believe wholesale that being in a guild IS the best thing for players in this game, but some of us dont have that kind of devotion to the game. We hop on and hop off and do some random stuff while we’re playing.
If I have friends have to play with, now Im trapped doing what THEY want or need to do…I just aint gonna be reliable enough for that and dont have the tolerance / patience (as Im sure is evident in many of most posts in here) that would be required for doing what THEY need or want to do WHEN they need it.
The direction the game is going is away from strict schedules with strict rosters. It is catering more and more to people that just want to log in whenever they find time, progress their toons a bit, and have fun.
I mean, if Blizzard can “guarantee” solo players in equivalent gear will never set foot in group play to upset the gear-skill dynamic, then sure, take all the high-level gear you need/want.
But if it gets to that point, WoW might as well stop being a MMORPG.
I suspect it’s more to do with the cross server, realm clusters and random LFG.
Instead of seeing people from your server and community all the time, you see random mage number 26485936.
Everyone is a faceless random from another server that you’ll never see again. It gives no sense of community, doesn’t promote getting to know anyone, and also allows for bad behavior with almost no consequences.
Not to age myself, but back in BC there were a handful of well known troll players/ninja looters on my server, and everyone knew who they were.
They didn’t get invited to things because the community just didn’t want that kind of behavior. It promoted an environment where consideration for others could actually get you places, and failing to be considerate had consequences.
But now it’s just, be rude and if people get mad, queue for another group. There’s no backlash, there’s no bad reputation that follows you, no consequences for the behavior.
Blizzard making everyone nameless and anonymous didn’t help the community aspect of this game, I’d argue it almost killed it.
I dont see it being a problem…except for the bruised ego of end game group players, Id say.
So you get to 500ilvl in group content you claim to love.
I get to 500 in solo content I love.
I dont see how mine affects yours AT ALL.
The problem I DO see and absolutely agree with is IF im now taking my 500 and trying to slide into YOUR key…AND Im not skilled enough to use that 500 like I should be, NOW Im affecting your game directly.
THAT I would have a real problem with.
Yeah…see thats where Im fuzzy on the details…IS there a way to determine who is 500 AND skilled versus who is 500 and ISNT skilled enough other than an achieve they could likely get carried into getting?
I just dont know enough about it to understand the details
Mythic rating, raider io, armory for seasonal achievement history, etc, etc.
I hesitate to believe it is as much of a problem as people make it out to be anyhow. World players aren’t going to get their weekly delve pieces and start infiltrating keys.