Discoverer's Delight and Nightmare Incursions Adjustments Coming - Week of 4/8

It isn’t fun =( This isn’t WoW! We get from 40 to 50 without using any skills, without playing, without enjoying the game! We pick up quests, turn them in and we level up! OMG - how is THAT fun??? Phase 1 and 2 - was super fun! This phase 3… is errr super dumb =(

Server transfers when?

New content? You’re playing a character from retail, surely you recognize rehashed World Quests. Duped haha

F the damn incursions. Tell me who the heck is going to be farming black and green dragon scales in Burning steppes!? Not to mention these welps start at level 53, with a 3 %drop rate and goes up to lvl 57 dragon elites that get 14% to 20% what the heck were you dudes even thinking. Then rogues just need 1 chimera leather?!?!?!?!?

LoL the release wasnt just poped in unannounced, YOU chose not to be there for the release! As for the “unemployed sweats” some of us are retired or smart enough to earn our money around what we WANT to do. Dont blame the world because you failed to get a source of income that lets you enjoy the thing in life you want to do. I still remember using PTO for the launch of BC just to be able to unwind and enjoy the release. Guess Mc Donalds doesnt give you paid days off

These people participated in the activity and earned the gold exactly as Blizzard intended.

There was no cheating, hacking, gold duping, or anything like that.

Surely you are not suggesting to take away legitimately earned gold?

This is by far the funniest thing I’ve heard all week. Your guild needs 30k gold for consumes!? I saw your post below where you supposedly came up with some numbers to estimate this cost, but to break up because you all found out in the first few hours of an incursions offered lots of gold and Blizzard hot fixed it because it wasn’t intended. Sounds like you guys were not that strong of a guild in the first place to be easily be shaken by the fact you are not be funneled gold. Ever heard of working as a guild and farming the consumes yourself? You know? The Actual classic experience.

I’m sorry but this post is just comical. I have to show this to my guildies, they’ll get a kick of how ridculious this sounds.

If you don’t raid in a competitive/pushing world first environment - you probably wouldn’t understand that gold=consumables, BoEs, and loot funneling =progression.

Show whoever you want. There’s a reason Method/Echo/TL burn 50mil+ gold a raid in RWF.

But that’s for Guilds that have sponsorships and money behind them.

Those same guilds sponsor players to rush world-first content here, my guy.

People still compete for those things here. There’s just not a giant twitch spectacle about it.

Untrue because if it was intended, they wouldn’t have changed it …

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No, he’s merely pointing out that Blizzard has created a situation that is going to negatively affect players that couldn’t sink 10 hours into a game the first two days of a content release. Thru no fault of the players other than Blizzard couldn’t think outside the box and ask “how are players going to remove as much time as possible from this content, in order to maximize exp/gold?”

Given that Nightmare Incursions PROMOTED grouping up, they should have put that into consideration when calculating the gold/exp value of all the quests. But they didn’t, they just pencil whipped it and pushed it out.

Even after the gold nerf, it was still probably the best way to make gold.


Can we get a boost, at least from 1-25 (30), instead of 100% it’s 150% or something like that? I love making alts, and that’ll legit get me to keep playing.

That’s just my opinion though, plus we’re probably not too far from phase 4 (maybe 4-5 weeks out).

I know, I know. /prepares for the flaming

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Well, he said “we” as in the dev team. Not the stakeholders and players ofc…

They are already putting in boost-lite, should just sell tokens.

Would help peeps that missed incursions at least

Sure but wtf does that have to do with you?

Then it’s 200%, then 250%, etc.

When are you going to address the egregious population imbalance on Shadowstrike (AU). It’s evident from the incursion zones that Alliance out numbers Horse by at least 5 to 1 and sometimes feels like 10 to 1.
Some ideas for other improvements. Why not take from Diablo IV and scale dungeon difficulty by the number of players. Sometimes you just want to jump in a dungeon with a mate and have fun and not have to worry about others.
Crafting items should scale with level. We put a lot of effort into the quests, let us take them on the journey and level the items power as we level. At 60 make them pre bis then we can replace them with raid items…bit of rant as i’ve just died 6 times simply trying to get through the nightmare incursion portal…


These seasons are only a year long, and with the later phases, the accelerating leveling is great. If you want to gatekeep, that’s cool, but I was just giving my opinion.

You think they’re gonna release all five phases of raid content over summer, then release their own raid content in fall?

I guess anything is possible with this team holding the reins, but any sensible progression would have us playing SoD for at least another year.

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