Discoverer's Delight and Nightmare Incursions Adjustments Coming - Week of 4/8

I don’t know what you guys were trying to achieve with this new event. I understand Seaon of Discovery is to make changes to the base game and see what sticks. But if Dungeon grinding was an issue in being outside the open world, Incursions were definitely not the answer. The extra gold flooding the economy has inflated the market, people got 40 to 50 in a matter of hours versus a week or so, and now we have less people in the open world than ever before because people do not want to feel left out. It did not do good for anyone. Again I do not think this was your intention, but this is more like Retail then it is classic. The only positive I can think of, is that it respect players time trying to get to the end game, but I thought this was already established through the Delight buff. Which I also think should not have another increase…50% was already generous enough.

So how do we move forward? My suggestion is to make Incursions like Ashenvale and Bloodmoon. Make it an event! Get a group of players, grab a handful (5 to 8 quests) and work as a group to get some rewards and some xp. It should be something that matches the pacing of classic. If you expedite the experience, you are going to create burnout for players rushing to end game and find themselves with nothing to do. Classic, in my opinion has always been the causal gameplay, the journey to end game, with phase 3, it feels like Retail which has transformed the game to RUSH, get to end game so you can do end game content. Lets be frank, the only end game content in Classic was dungeons, raids, and PvP. Not as many activities Retail currently has, which is why I do not understand why we are swinging so far right with this new content.

I just want to finish off and say I appreciate your guys effort in the content you guys have created so far, but I feel this is a step in the wrong direction.

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Incursions shouldn’t be better than world questing in both gold AND exp. We already get items from rep with them. Let them give none or very little gold so people would have to choose with earning gold or leveling fast. I almost quit today after doing 1 round on my alt cuz people only do running and dying simulator. nobody killing mobs/bosses just rescue and the item pickups. Extremely boring after seeing it once. The fact that it takes longer to collect the quests and share them than actually do it is also very terrible design. This is by far the worst thing in SOD in my opinion. New content shouldn’t make content that is meant to be done alongside it completely obsolete.

rip incursions they are now dead content. thanks for the nerfs

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Not sure it wouldn’t be better just to make the quests a daily and massively increase the overall experience. Trying to balance the buff vs kill xp vs no kill xp seems difficult.

Also please create an AI QA test program that focuses on degen behavior. Endless loops of ash incursions no kill don’t think was intended but maybe it was…

What time on Monday is this change suppose to occur? I believe dailies reset already.

Got into the phase late and decided to try out incursions. Two hours of getting ganked by level 50s on two separate layers. Looked for a dungeon group to level instead and couldn’t find any groups. It feels like I’m a month behind when the phase hasn’t been out for a week yet.


Feeling your pain. <3

Exactly. It was ALWAYS about the journey and this is becoming retail minus. Please boost be daddy to max level so I can be bored running the same raid every week. What is this? How do they not understand this…?

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Classic players proved that was a lie the 2nd classic launched.

No, it was not lol. You guys made that up to try and talk down on retail

Aggrend doesn’t give af

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Let’s be real here, the leveling and rune discovery is not what most people find to be fun.

See, that makes more sense to me.


so whats the best way for xp now, i really hated grinding sm for 40 hours

I laughed hard at this. So true.

Basically this has become a “time sink” we are all really just wasting time to move on to cata and/or war within …
Should have just left it fun like P1
now it’s a :poop: show


I have to agree on this- what does it even matter if we ALL have bunches of gold?? it’s going to end soonish anyway- atleast we can all be done with it and happy- but now tons of people are just going to be mad at the end …

My dude- they are not going to CHANGE the whole thing- it is what it is- it’s P3 of a SEASONAL “experiment” of only 4 phases- it’s almost over- the ONLY thing they are willing to do is nerf or buff…amiright? All they’ve done once they throw it out to us from the very beginning of this “experiment” is nerf or buff but never CHANGE… they STILL have not addressed the fact that shams can one-shot in pvp - that was the first clue! pvp is broke- alliance don’t even want to do WSG or STV- have they changed it? NO.
Best thing is to just play what they give us til the ride is over- which will be sooner then later- my guess is P4 will be BEFORE cata so this “experiment” will be done and put to rest before that time…just a thought…

I can’t refund… so I just quit and they took my money because it’s unplayable without trade/ah/mail, its an MMO damm it!

If you can refund guys - please do that, and let blizzard FIRE these incompetent lardos. they will have to if enough quit.

p.s phase 4 (or 5) will have token :slight_smile: just quit now. they don’t want new players. they want addicts to be milked by token and subs

Looks like it just went live. Quest XP dropped by 50%. Fun detected.