Discoverer's Delight and Nightmare Incursions Adjustments Coming - Week of 4/8

They really can’t roll it back. The economy is simply speed ran inflation and they can’t make gold sinks w/o harming everyone else.

Edit: Honestly gold should be of little importance in a seasonal server. no reason for the excess grind when it’ll be gone much sooner.

What about the 1000s of gold that has flooded the markets!!! Exploit early!!! Screw everyone else!!!

Actually they could.

The best way to do it would be to make ‘fake accounts’ and list the BiS Gear’s materials on the AH ‘first’ (before others can start listing); set the price. Those with a lot of gold will pay the higher price.

Then, after a week or so, begin dropping the price; undercutting the real players and slowly bringing the cost of the materials down.

This way, as mentioned, those with coin spend it on the hyper-inflated prices. But the price is then lowered down to a more reasonable level for the rest of us.

Right now they’re doing ‘welfare gear’; the Emerald Warden set is about 1/10 the cost of green-quality gear (using ‘of the Bear’ since it’s similar to what the Emerald set is for DPS plate). – ‘of the Bear’ is currently going for around 20-30g for level 45-50 gear. I bought the Emerald set (all pieces) for something like 35g.

Another kick in the nuts to whoever couldnt play first week of release. You dont get gold, and now you dont get xp. lmao

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Boooo! Boooo! Everyone Booo nerfs to Exp.

I finally hit level 31 and now this change just makes me want to be like why bother. I’ll hit 50 in a few weeks I guess but this just kills it for players like myself. Guess I’ll go to work and SOD isn’t for me. Stop wasting players time especially when we have so little of it.

Also please consider putting some portals in cities to different zones. Sorry but the boring slot of getting places isn’t fun either. SOD could be something special but it doesn’t need to hold on to bad antiquated ideologies. Get players into the action.

Probably just unsub. Levling a warrior was already painful but you just always hurt the players with the least amount of time to play making it super hard for them? Wildly bad take. What is done is done why punish us!

Please make it 100% XP gain even 300% would be great


SoD has made me believe there are still devs at Blizzard who LOVE original WOW and who enjoy making creative improvements to it.

I am thoroughly enjoying this iteration. If Blizzard were to do a permanent Classic + I would be happy with the runes, transmog and a barbershop.

Keep up the fun and the creativity. :two_hearts:

This should have been a lesson to remove the XP boosts entirely. It is not good to reach the end of your leveling experience mostly (or entirely) unchanged from how you began leveling.

Instead of steadily getting prebis while leveling you’re just starting it when you hit 50. We have to do dozens of dungeons to get the wild whatever token items anyway. Would have been perfectly fine to get that done as part of the leveling experience where the dungeons we’re expected to be doing are actually challenging.

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How about you guys nerf Duskwood Incursion area. That place is a mess. It’s horribly Over-Tuned. Level 25’s cannot complete the quests, or kill the mobs in a timely manor, without getting Hyper Spawned on, and constantly dying. Fix the area, and more people will enjoy going there, to level and build rep.


Man, there are a lot of salty players in here.

I am really enjoying the new phase and glad they added the incursions as another way to level up. I could think of nothing worse than spamming ZF till 50. Yes I want to level as quickly as possible as I don’t have much time and will always go the most optimal route.

Looking forward to getting into the new raid and trying it out.

The only complaint is the bugs, i.e. loot not dropping from dungeons or Rune quests etc but otherwise it’s been great.

I think people have forgotten this is a Seasonal server and that that team are testing new ideas and want people to level quickly. This isn’t an Era server.


Make cozy sleeping bag buff better and faster, and hopefully fix the item pickups in incursions

maybe reduce transmute and profession cooldowns since its a seaonal server

You don’t have to spam dungeons to level you know.

Thanks… by the time you do that everyone will have 10000 gold and 4 lvl 50s with the same gear they had in gnomer.

This was done poorly

Funny how Blizzard didn’t want Mage boosting or GDKP in the game because it was too easy for people to level or would hurt the economy …everyone who missed out feel free to buy gold now because if you don’t you wont be able to afford to buy raid consumables


Cool, was busy this weekend came back everyone’s 50 from this dumb exploit that PBE would’ve solved, now I have to face the ramifications of it by levelling slower? No thanks, cancelled my sub, y’all have a good one though.

PS. No one actually discovers in SoD, we look at wowhead, no PBE was insanely questionable

Yeah I’m going too as did my buddies this week already. Since they’re gone I’d rather play something else since folks like you are such a joy to game with and are a large part of the player base.

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So what I got from this was:

  1. If you were there at launch for incursions you made 100s of Gold (a few of my mates that don’t have a job made over 1k gold), who cares if you are busy with work/irl.
  2. We made a slight mistake with the xp, sorry for giving the classic players the retail experience.
  3. We pulled an oopsie but that’s okay. “we still don’t need a PTR for this because it’s not that big of an issue”
  4. All responses under this blue post will not get a reply but people on Twitter do???

Players that started late got less xp and less gold. yikes


I hope devs look at the Emerald Wardens Hunter rep set for PVP. It’s stam/int and for some reason we share it with Shaman that has three sets? This seems like a mistake.


XP boosts belong to retail,

but this is just my opinion and I am not the target group with SOD so I get back to my warrior trying to survive in Duskwood.

Ofc. this entire situation will not result in the nerds crying for P4 tomorrow, since they are already bored and through P3.
