Basically enjoy having an advantage over everyone that couldn’t play this weekend,
Seriously guys. no one on the team made the math before launching this?
Leave it in game. this or running 100zf on alts i mean who cares nightmare give xp.
I was proud of the way you guys rolled this out
Another mess
Its never good to take stuff away from players, you should be aware of that by now.
Make players vote on it, people complaining are a fraction of the community
And stop taking stuff away from players. a calculator, a pen and some determination could have prevented this in the first place.
My guild quit over the incursion gold nerf. We had 5 10’s, and 2 20’s, with 1 40 of pre-planned end game raiding. All of them quit, and disbanded entirely because of how phase 3 was launched.
Being permanently 30,000+ gold behind competitive guilds who had dedicated 40mans farming gold for raid consumables for all end-game content is an irrecoverable deficit that Blizzard introduced, and then removed.
Not rolling back phase 3 was a colossal mistake. It was under 24 hours, a gamebreaking situation was detected, and your response was to let everyone who profited stay - and let everyone who didn’t quit.
There was so many ways you could have fixed incursion gold gain - you could have capped it at a certain number per account so that anyone willing to grind it could make that much. You could have left it. You could have reverted/rolled back to Wednesday server state. You could have done a lot of things - but this time you voluntarily picked “ruin the game”.
I will be… very… interested to see if SoD maintains numbers given this colossal oopsie-poopsie.
Because MC, BWL, AQ, and Naxx will have prog consumable requirements. Meme 10/20mans versus prog raiding 40’s is a different thing.
30k (total) barely covers current classic era nax consumables raid-wide for two weeks. (assuming at 3x mongoose, flask, 2 GNPP, 2 GSPP, 4 GFRPP, 1 GFPP, 1 GAPP, 4 FAPs per melee, 11 total limited invuls for chal+LIP trash packs, stat food, blasted land+zanza, 3-5 boons total, stoneshields per tank per fight per 2mins, etc ) - I had mathed out when I was participating in “chug runs”, aka consumable carry runs, that to get sub-2 hour Naxx would cost each person between 500-800g, which is roughly 20k gold a run in burnt gold. You can argue that it’s completable without the consumption - and you’re totally correct, but parselords/sweat kids infiltrate every corner of casual gameplay and expect you to be chugging your brains out for “their parses”
That’s not even considering progression gold sinks/wipes/idiocy. Now, sure, some of this will become arguably easier to clear due to runes… but realistically, should expect difficulty increases appropriate to rune strength.
MC is mostly fire pots, BWL is a lower-cost consume raid, but AQ40 with twin emps/huhu prog really sucks. Then Naxx is literally a “spend gold or be miserable” raid.
This actually screws over the average joe in terms of leveling. I bet incursions wont be a good place to level anymore and will take a while but on the flip side you still need to rep to get the gear etc.
Casual players will level outside incursions but have to go into them anyway to get the gear.
I would highly suggest adding a rep buff to quest turn in’s for incursions at least until Honored to help players that chose to level outside of them but are coming back at max to get the gear.
Remove the delight buff from incursions but modify the quest exp rewards to what they currently are. Turn up the delight buff to 75% or even 100% outside of the incursions which will make both viable and give players the choice of what they want to do.
Based off your previous posts, all of SOD has been nothing but a disaster for you, kek. Just out of curiosity, what would be a good day for you so you won’t feel missed out? Thursday has passed and now you crying about the weekend. Help us help you lol
Fix feral to make powershifting optional, rather than the expected playstyle.
Stop cannibalizing existing dungeons to make raids out of them, then making them effectively dead content at the next phase.
Expanding on the various things to do at each ‘cap’ beyond funneling people into exactly 2 only supported pillars (Raid or PvP)
If you’re going to release content that allows people to get 10 levels in a day, just make us the next cap immediately - you’ve invalidated the purpose of leveling.
Fix Warriors, Paladins so they no longer effectively 2 talent trees. (they’ve done some work on warrior, but Prot Paladin still needs some attention)
Address ranged hunter scaling
There is no point in reducing xp gains after leaving them up all weekend. All that does is punishes others for coming in later, and will further stratify the community.
*Address loot drops in ST - half as many raid lockouts, with twice as many people means raid bosses at a minimum should be dropping 6-8 pieces to be comparable. Dropping only 3 per boss is not even close to being fair and just further rushes people to try and complete it before the next phase drops in 7 weeks.
Here is my issue so far. I have just died and counting 34 times just trying to walk through the portal in Ashenvale. The fact that one faction or the other has monopolized the portal by ganking on site and literally locking the entirety of the other faction out makes this very un-enjoyable and extremely infuriating. It is not a matter got “git gud” its a matter of one side does nothing to stop the massacre and the other has a good time leveling smoothly. now my alternative is to grind other quests or dungeons which take longer and i don’t get to take advantage of 1.9 levels an hour and 50-100g+ an hour. quite frankly this is a joke and not fair in every way, i understand PVP servers but its not suppose to be a monopoly. I have screenshots of me ressing and insta dying with no one person of my faction around but a sea of red alliance as someone who does not always have time to sink 9 hours grinding dungeons incursions was exciting to me and now its an actual joke that is not possible for me and my entire faction. This is a genuine problem that needs to be addressed as it locks half a server out of content and a handful of lvl 40-48s cannot fight back against the other handful of 40-48s and the 20-40 lvl 50s dedicated to ruining this content by coming to the zone way below their level for the laughs.
and they dont think its gonna make the content “stale” by putting a deadline on the bonus so we all run 4 toons to 50 and then never want to do it ever again?