Discoverer’s Delight 100% Experience Buff Now Live

what a weird thing to complain about


Would you prefer Era-purist? The folks desperate to ensure the experimental seasonal game mode designed to be different from classic—remains exactly the same to classic in regards to leveling speed/etc when the entire mode is a limited-time seasonal mode.

Who’s doing that exactly? Who in this thread is saying no changes?

We play SoD because we want some changes. I even play mage healer lol. Blizzard asks for feedback, we give it. We like most of the changes, not so much this one, and would have preferred other solutions.

You don’t need to make stuff up about the people you disagree with.

“You’re enjoying your day, everything’s going your way, when along comes Debbie Downer. Always there to tell you 'bout a new disease, a car accident, or killer bees. You beg her to spare you, ‘Debbie, please!’ but you can’t stop Debbie Downer!”

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This is a great change. Angry, jealous Era players will seethe, mald, and astroturf to try to create a narrative, but the truth is this is healthy for SoD. Great job, Blizzard!


Mine is showing 0% not sure

Era is that way----------->


Classic andrews losing the ability to gate keep is never not funny.


I really don’t have to do it again.

I can go watch Netflix, but if Blizz wants to make me a happy customer I’m pleased…

Ah yes retail. A game with its ups and downs over the years but one that is still going strong. Imagine arguing like its some kind of failure lol.

By the way, wow got so popular because it was always the casual MMO

Just here to read the bad takes from people who claim to hate this game but still pay their sub.

You guys might want to update the tooltip of the buff to say +200% gold from quests instead of +300% because +300% would actually be a 4x gold modifier when in reality it’s a 3x modifier. It’s off by 100%.

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Somehow I’m still allowed to post even without a sub :sweat_smile:

another sod post that no one gives a sht about

fix retail do class changes


never said anything about M+/Mythic? i said classic content is autopilot content. takes zero work to.

Add to wrath please.

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ssssh don’t let them know!

( I think you can post without a sub sometimes but honestly I do not know)

Maybe i have playtime left how long has p2 been out? Maybe it just feels like forever without a souleating timesink lol

Probably way less time than it feels like lmao. A couple weeks maybe, time isn’t real tbh.

I think the only time WoW wasn’t my time sink was during BFA/SL when FF14 became one for me. Always find myself coming back to WoW in some way or another.

not with 200% exp boost lol :expressionless:

cool strawman, :troll: