Discoverer’s Delight 100% Experience Buff Now Live

Wrong game version.


You guys could ya know. Play a different game.


Oh, thank you. So it’s not retail, but Classic then I guess? I must have misread the write up.

So play a version of the game that doesn’t have a 40 level cap.

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I was happy just playing classic come out of hardcore but SoD kinda oofed it. I wonder how it’s doing now

it’s time to make a warlock summon army so i can fast travel my priest around lol…

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Season of Discovery.

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Well, I’m raid logging on my main. Have all the quests done. Have the rep. Missing one BIS item from the raid.

Without this buff, I wouldn’t have made an alt, so it seems like they’re getting more people to play versus raid log.

Bonus points for being able to experience other class changes without having to mage boost to level cap

If they gave everyone free level 40’s, there’d be even more alts! /logic


It’s not free though. It takes quite a bit of time. Y’all need to stop acting like it’s a paid character boost because again, most of the people that complain about this are the same people who buy mage boosts and sit afk to max level

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This makes no sense. The people who want the world to feel challenging are the ones playing the game, not AFKing in SM boosts. The people levelling through boosts would like to skip the entire levelling if they could, that’s the point.

Not really sure what’s challenging in the world. The leveling process for Alts was too long and the whole point of this game is to experience all the changes they’ve implemented between classes. It makes perfect sense they’d boost XP. Again, it will still take a significant amount of time to go 1-40


If you don’t like the buff turn it off and level :slight_smile: thanks


And this is missing the point. It’s an MMORPG, stop pretending every player lives in a vacuum and those things don’t affect the way everyone plays and interacts, and the culture of the game. If the path of least resistance exists, people are going to take it because it’d feel inefficient not to.

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I leveled another alt without it. Solo quested barely met anybody else leveling, sm was dead. Seen more people today leveling because of this. But sure

I wouldn’t mind seeing a server that has 10x as slow experience gain, and a server where players could just instantly create a max level character, just so we could isolate those types of folks to play with each other.

It’s quite funny seeing the same 2-3 classic-andy trolls railing against this change like the world is ending and the game has become retail.

Please don’t listen to the trolls, this change is great.


Funnily enough the irony of calling someone a “classic andy” in a classic game mode seems to be lost on you


It is funny to read the term “classic Andy” when talking about classic, played in the vanilla world.

Of course instant leveling will be super popular for a while and the othe dead because self imposed handicaps don’t feel very fun.

And “QoL” buffs tend to get met with cheer at the time, and their impact not seen until later. I mean this is literally how retail has evolved and became so different that classic got launched in the first place. It’s the slow growth/creep of changes stacked on top of each other.

I don’t even care either way I just find it funny the version of the game with the lowest level count is getting an xp buff.

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