So, for a long time I’ve been very good at calculating the momentum my character has, if I hit my stealth button while flying, so that I’ll land precisely where I want to land.
This use to work beautifully and I was actually quite proud of my ability to angle my flying mount in such a way that my Rogue will arc through the air like a beautifully swan and land directly in front of an NPC or whatever I’m attempting to land on.
But for the last ~year or so, 2 or 3 times out of 10 I’ll hit stealth, fly off my mount in typical fashion, only to land and immediatly get disconnected.
I initially shrugged it off, figuring it was probably related to something that’ll eventually get fixed. But here we are several patches later and it’s still happening. So, here I am reporting this as a bug.
I call it a bug because it happens across different computers and operating systems.
Please fix this, I hate being disconnected performing my aerial maneuvering.
EDIT: Apparently it’s been a problem since last year. I realize that, yeah that sounds about right.