Disconnection STUCK falling through World - Problem resolved sorry about post

I used the teleport Scroll On my Shaman names LostOF to do the silithus quest for the War Within, and I fell through the world on loading. I now constantly disconnect when I log into that character, its been close to one hour now, please fix this.

Have you tried the character move from the website?

Blizzard Support - Character Stuck - Disconnected When Logging In (battle.net)


Use the self-help stuck ticket. This should automatically move your character to a safe spot so you can log in properly again.


Oh i never noticed that option! Thank you so much im sorry for posting <3


Character unstuck will not load for me. I am falling through the world after using the scroll to Silithus. I’m trying to load the character unstuck service on mobile and my computer browser.

If those are not working for you Astranna, you can submit a ticket using the link below:


I did have good luck this morning on a Garrason toon disconnect ( yes still happens ) …
With the in game unstuck…
I logged into another toon and used it with that one that was stuck and it worked.
I have shared the link to the web service many times.