Disconnected before character select screen

Just wait a couple of minutes on the black screen my character list popped up after a slow load

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So annoying for a paid service. Black Character screen.


Still a NO for Oceanic


heres a list of things illd rather do then go back to classic
1 - all the things

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No luck in OZ trying to log on same old same old disconnect

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Blizz… did the servers catch the rona?

Screenshot. Thank you for this, looks amazing

Still just disconnected…I’m not even good enough for a black screen…

black screen for oceanic now


I was able to get back in, but I noticed my transmog got cleared. It’s not visible. Anyone else see that?

Thank you!

I had the black screen as well but after sitting at that black screen for a few minutes, I was able to log in to the game.

Everything so far looks fine on my end.

Back to Black Character screen

I login, but at character select screen, its just all black screen, with the server name greyed out and my character just not there on the list.

Update: Was able to log in / out. Same time, just waiting for the black screen, then the loading.

Yes, I can’t get passed the first page.

Takes a bit for my character screen to upload but it did load. Weird, my T-mogged shoulder wings are gone. Back to original look. I paid gold for that mog. Don’t think I will bother with the wings again…

Now in on Barthilas (OCE)

beta is still down :frowning:

Better ck your mains once you get in …I logged into one of my alts just did Nalak and while waiting on Nalak to spawn I seen a thread about the new wings missing from their apperance tab and some are missing those 4 added slots to backpack you get when you added SMS for protection of your account…mine 4 slots are gone too.