Disconnected before character select screen

mmm yummy yummy! I’ll have soooo many :heart_eyes: :star_struck:

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ya same here

Hurr durr. ecks dee

happen to me just now, doing palace achievements and the game just kick me out and now i cant log in

So then, we should all basically get RID of our authenticators, delete the app of our phones…

idk, Bly Manor I couldn’t figure out the problem- part of what I loved about Hill House- the mystery & the puzzle :slight_smile:
Though, inside it did kind of look like the same house lol

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Those late night Friday commits… :slight_smile:

Misery loves company…huggs back to you. Thank YOU for keeping it positive!


i almost believed it was friday, got my hopes up… :frowning:

is customer service/satisfaction rated internally at Blizzard ? I know it is tough out there but it doesnt take an hour to post a blue eta.

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Error Code 5191403 unacceptable considering the amount of $$ Blizzard/ea takes in


yeah right they have become horrible, Fortnite is FREE and has less problems

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They’re working on it. I agree it’s happening a lot more recently, but accidents do happen. They’re human and we have to remember that. Hopefully they fix it soon though.

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damn he’s back


Lol I was logging in to play some of the HW event… guess I’m back to Genshin Impact

Small indie company, let them rest its saturday. Probable by monday it will be fixed.


There is a response on the start up screen saying they know about the problem and they are looking into the problem…


was totally just kidding

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Yeah they just posted that

no it’s not back