Disconnected before character select screen

Same here, just to add to the numbers as well.

same, quick login queue, then disconnected

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Same, just get the disconnected message

Im sure that Vulperas have something to do with this bug

I also can’t get in.
Seeing the queue times, then the Logging into Realm Bar shows up then the error and disconnect.
Any Blues on this yet? No CS update on it yet.

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I start with login servers are full message, then I get kicked before the character selection screen

Same. Also getting “Login servers are full” then right before the character screen I’m DC’d with the error.

Internet went out tried to log back in and can no longer connect

Yep Same here too Emerald Dream. I am able to however log into Classic with no issues

Hey Blizz- maybe reply to this

Same here, tried multiple times and get disconnected just before character select screen with error WOW51900123 or WOW51900127

Sorry, you only get the shirt when you pay for a six month subscription.

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same issue, both error codes

Same again

Same. First is says login servers are full, then connecting to server, then you have been disconnected

literally missing raid >.>

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No updates on this matter yet.

Could we at least get an “we are aware of” post here?

yep me too

I want something free! Same problem here