Disc priests every game

Blizz can we get some mana adjustments to disc priests, every other healer goes oom at the same rate, apart from discs. they dont lose mana at all and have every possible get out of jail free card in the book.

Other than that the game is balanced.

also- gawmaws bite is hitting for 400k on a IBF’d frost dk 515 frost dk. might wanna look into that

Terrible opinion


ofc a priest

first off, its the first day of the new season. everyone playing arena and shuff are in greens right now. No one has thier set bonus, no one has the stats they will in a month or so. calling for nerfs to the worst healer last season when there have been almost zero pvp changes is hilariously short sighted.

priest or not, just stating its a bad take


I want disc priests nerfed just because they’re like… #3 on the list of specs with the most insufferable players.

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Priest is definitely good. Honestly all healers can get some tuning because they have too many “oh crap” buttons that extend the game longer than it needs to be.

A just god would find a way to give you a paper cut every time you defile this word by using it

They probably temper this claim by comparing it to the shuffle spot count disc had


That’s actually a sick burn.

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It isn’t a burn. It’s the truth.

catchin so many strays lately…


Was thinking of queing disc for the first few weeks til i get tier and then swap back to holy. Thinking is that disc only needed 2pc last season, so rocking no tier doesnt seem bad and the greens give a big stat boost.

This thread has been brought to you by buff arms. All those who stand against it will be flicked on.

While damage may be lower because of higher vers right now, atonement healing is not lowered by this reduced damage. Also atonement in arena got buffed a decent amount. These combined let disc have a higher amount of effective healing coming from atonement which is generally really mana efficient or even mana positive.

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Don’t you main Spriest?

My guy


You tend to see a lot of disc priests when they’re strong because they’re one of the most fun healers to play, especially for dps mains.

Need more healers in shuffle? Make sure disc isn’t the worst healer.


When disc was over tuned I swear 75% of steamers were suddenly queuing as one :joy:

Every human behind a disc priest last season would strongly disagree

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what are you trying to say?

Really? Disc priest was the worst healer? We forgetting about Hpal?

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