Disc Priests Alert: Mage Food Required: Ready to Unsub

Alternatively you could swap to Blood Elf & Night Elf respectively to gain a bit more mana during combat; BE for Arcane Torrent and NE for Shadowmeld-Drink. Yes, it can be rough to try and find time to get mana particularly before getting to Oros or Varruth, depending on which power you use, and healer balance is particularly poor (particularly when compared to tanks)… but I think it’s an issue that can be discussed with some civility.

queuing for bgs just to get mage food seems like a big hassle. no mage friends in guild? no mages online you can group with quick for a small fee?

No it doesn’t mana returns much faster with mage food.

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Yup, it makes it pretty much a must to get and keep mage food from vanishing in your inventory. The whole point of this thread is for Blizzard to add some food into the game that you can make or buy yourself to cut down on the big potential hassles. And also to get disc priests back the invites to groups.

The truth is a lot of disc priests, as this thread clearly shows, are under the impression that mage food is no better than other food. Hence these misinformed healers are going into M+ with garbage food that does not get mana back very fast. As a result, the community perception of disc priests is going to be wrong. A lot of people already think disc priests have severe mana issues, and so refuse to invite them, and even remove them from groups if they are disc vs holy.

The fact that Blizzard is not on top of this problem just goes to show you have you pretty much have to play meta if you want invites. I have been told by groups that they want holy paladins not for Ashen Hollow but because they have no mana issues.

I wish they revert the drinking change, the fish feasts were a bit OP. But the regular drinking only to return it as an anima power? Screw that it just made more mana reliant healers worse, especially if the group takes lots of avoidable damage.

Yup. And most tanks tunnel so do not realize the dps are low skill. Half of them will pull half the instance no matter if you are at 5% mana or 50%–something that tends to happen a lot at HOA, but in other cases as well. And this is even when you run the addon Healer Protection–which announces in chat when you are at 28.9% mana down to 8.9% and even lower. In my experience, even spamming a macro in chat that says you are drinking or oom typically makes no difference.

The outcome in the above scenario typically means a bricked key where there are multiple wipes, and an assorted number of deaths–often to the tank. And then you usually get the tank leaving. This does not tend to happen often in keys above 16 if you are careful about the groups you join. But once you get to this level, a lot of groups are aware of the mana issues a lot of disc priests can have, and so will simply not invite them.

My question is whether or not Blizzard intends this or not. Is it the intention of the game designers to make people inclined to be healers to only opt for Holy Paladins–which have virtually zero mana issues? Or are they just ignorant and/or careless in their design efforts? Do they think piling up the frustrations on people who play other healers–and especially disc priests (and monks?) is somehow good for business? And is it their intention to cause bottlenecks in the game? I mean it is easy to find dps in M+. But healers are somewhat scarce a lot of times–and the need to invite holy paladins only is a reality in some cases–creating even bigger bottlenecks. And this is with other healers, namely disc priests, sitting on the sidelines for a lack of invites.

they must be doing a bad job. i rarely need to drink on my shaman

Well, if you look at raider io, 32 of the top 40 healers are paladins, 5 are shammies, and only two are disc priests. That spanks of imbalance.

As for shamans vs disc priests vs paladins, there are obviously a number factors at play. In my experience though, I have asked groups why they want holy paladins vs disc priests which bring PI plus reasonably good damage and have gotten the reply Holy Paladins have no mana issues.

Totally agree. I would also go so far as to say this xpac is the easiest its ever been in keys. Legion had one shots left and right, disc was fresh and complaints about mana, lack of absorbs and inabiity to recover from emergencies abounded.

cant wait for legion timewalking if they tune it right.

I dunno. Sure, once you get your anima powers for mana the experience is a thousand times better in the typical less skilled pug, but I don’t like always having to stop casting mind sear to cast penance so you can move to mana orbs.

In BFA Corruption made disc super strong both in healing and damage. In fact, on some keys I was occasionally pumping more damage on some bosses than some of the dps. My main was pumping this major damage and mana was not an issue whatsoever if you had Fish Feasts.

you missed legion in there… in legion im not sure fish feasts were about and if they were, i never used them. Plain old water. You didnt have mind sear, disc was brand spanking new to atonement, you needed innervates to function in raids, the stop casting disc meta was in. Mobs, let alone bosses one shot you in keys, DHT cats, looking at you. Disc is much more fluid and a fuller kit then it was back then

So yes in my opinion current xpac is the easiest to play when it comes to keys.

If you are having issue then my advice is in 9.1.5 to go into BRH and get the trinket.

Every healer has to manage their mana until they get to the executioner for the mana orbs. Mage food is just twice as good as the food you can buy from the inn becasue it’s a flat 5% per tick whereas you have to eat for like 5-8s to get the full 14k mana regen.

A few questions about this.

You say “every healer.” Do you include holy paladins in this? Holy paladins have no mana issues. They also do not have to waste an anima power choice on mana orbs because they have no mana issues. Instead they are free to choose a stat boost equivalent to 210 points of a secondary stat. Disc priests in comparison rarely have this option unless the group is highly skilled–wherein they do CC, use defensives, do dispels properly (decurse, etc)., avoid damage, mitigate damage well, offheal, are reasonably well geared, have high vers, you name it. Hence disc priests typically (and possibly other healers) are at a distinct disadvantage vs paladins here.

Also, you say “manage your mana.” I play disc priests only currently. I have no idea what you mean. If your group lacks skill, stands in fire, never uses defensives, has no idea how to dodge, is weak on kicks then what? And what if the tank lacks skill at mitigation and/or has low gear? Under these circumstances, which can be typical in a lot of M+ pug groups and your average weekly “guild run” can you recommend some strategies for “managing mana?” Like more than the obvious, like drink when you can, use mana pots, try to minimize overhealing, etc.

I mean how do you, yourself go about cutting down on mana burn? In my case I heal when it’s needed, and not when it’s not needed. I drink at all times I can, get mage food before my runs, use stat food with mastery and even change out all of my gems for mastery if the group looks like it would help or the affix (like grievous) demands it. I also try to PI the best one for the job and timed perfectly when they use their CDs so that the boss or mobs go down faster. This usually means I use less mana because the group takes less damage.

But in your case, what do you do, exactly? Can you explain? Thanks in advance.

Where do you find the free time for all this hahahaha. Like this is pages upon pages of stuff. I think you need a better hobby my person. At least one that makes you less miserable xD Keep calm and try to carry on

The only advice I offer is you need to make sure you’re drinking inbetween trash pulls. Unless it’s spiteful week you will usually get enough time to drink for 5-10s inbetween each trash pull. If people are taking excessive damage and dying left-and-right than that sounds like a skill based issue which you can’t resolve on your own.

The higher the key (and especially on fortified weeks)… the more damage the group is going to take. Some weeks you get the executioner early and others you don’t. Pridefuls last season just glossed over the mana management that people should have been practicing on.

Priests run hot on mana in general and require a lot more personal management, especially if you’re off doing mythic raiding or PvP.

Idk why people are gaslighting you. You’re 100% right about the mage food/anima interaction that doesn’t apply to regular water. And disc is def more mana hungry than other specs. I main a resto shaman but my disc and shaman are pretty closely geared. I wish our offensive spells would just be FREE or much more greatly reduced in cost…especially considering we need them to efficiently heal.


It’s because this is a video game and they are children or acting like them. They enjoy making others annoyed and being irritants, I think. They seem to not be able to make intelligent, insightful posts, so instead seek entertainment in sabotage.

I used to be in a guild Brighter was in and I was the best geared in the guild. But their raid leader was very rude and so was Brighter. Their guild leader also told me I was “disruptive” in raids, etc. In one instance when I suggested that there was a strategy to time your cds so that it made the fight easier but they they took that as meaning I could not do the mechanics. That instance was discouraging, as were countless others. When other healers, like the guild leader, messed up or died early, the raid leader never said a word. But when I did, right away, boom, I was labelled as incompetent. Anyhow this strategy that high end guilds used that I got from Jak, with whom I had discussed the point in his chat sounded fair to me and I was only trying to be helpful but realized then that this group was not for me.

Anyhow Brighter continually falls prey to confirmation bias, quick to find evidence to prove his point that I am a “baddie,” forgetting that I mostly run M+ vs raid, and also ignoring every piece of evidence that disconfirms his theory–like how my M+ score puts me in top 95% (or whatever) bracket in the game, and how I am better geared than everyone in his guild and was then or was close anyhow–a case I make because I pug all of my M±-making it that much harder to get. I even heal 20 15+ keys for my vault keys every week (20 because I have two disc priests I currently play on), including on grievous weeks (as disc) and did so right from week one, when I was only geared as a 226. He choses to ignore all of that though, latching onto everything that supports his fixed idea that I am bad player, but ignoring everything contrary to that point. To him, all of my posts, which usually get an incredible number of comments are me whining and a testament to how I am bad, and how he feels I consistently blame outside forces and do not learn or improve–my efforts all of which he deems as horrific failures. Meanwhile, my M+ scores steadily improve week to week, trump his by a mile on both my alt alliance priest and my main on horde. In his case his guild no longer brings him to Mythic raids and I imagine because he is a pompous and arrogant person, but am not sure. He claims the game no longer “hits” for him and he has unsubbed, but I think otherwise.

This guy typically tries to sabotage all of my threads and posts–even on other forums. He usually posts snide comments and attacks, and at times recruits others and turns them to join him on the dark side.

If I knew him in real life I would have nothing to do with him. I would do everything to dodge being within ten miles of him. I have politely and repeatedly asked him to not comment on my threads but he is very rude and persistent.

yes thats it. couldnt be possibly anything else could it… like i and others might blatantly disagree with you because we just dont have the issues that you do. That cant be it at all hey

Going to edit this by saying, in raids we could do with a loosening up of mana, since too often we value enervates over other healers. Ive seen some logs for soulrender mythic where 1 disc got 5 enervates in one fight. im like what… But the op is talking keys and i dont feel we have the same issues there

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I looked at your history and your experience healing as a disc priest in m+. It is laughable. You try to come off as some expert but your raider io history shows you did not heal that many dungeons as a disc priest.

Go on and look up my two disc priests and see that I have healed more than 200 groups as a disc priest. You question me and my thinking and the fact that I feel mage food is necessary in a lot of groups, but it is dead to right and true. I dont know why you want to pick fights with me. I am far from incompetent as a disc priest and even timed a 20 the other day as one. I have timed more than 150 keys above 15. You dont just make this stuff up and post it in a forum. Why waste your time?

I dont get you, and your solution of making a night elf is just not practical for me at this point. My account is maxed out in toons and there are currently none I can delete. I also prefer horde by a mile, and the only reason I made an alliance alt was because queueing for mage food to get in BGs on the horde side can mean a waste of more than an hour to get it.

If you dont need mage food all the more power to you, but as the poster above my above post says, what I am saying is no stretch of a word or lie.

As far as you and Brighter go. You should know he does everything he can to mess with me and my posts because he has a problem with my psychologically, and maybe he has some psychiatric problem as well.

Regardless the toxicity in this game can be sickening. I have been relatively lucky but I have friends who regularly message me about their incredibly toxic experiences. Brighter here has made not only posting my honest views on these forums repeatedly unpleasant, turning others against me, and posting snide, cutting remarks, but he and his guild did the same.

This game is really not for me or my kind of people. I prefer to have fun and play when I like and not have to get mage food every time I do a key, but without it, mana just does not come back fast enough. Also, Blizzard has made it so that it is extremely difficult for priests to get invites the higher up you go in keys. It gets worse every time you want to go higher as the declines mount up more and more.

In the end, all this inconvenience and frustration has just caused me endless aggravation and frustration, so I am quitting this game. That has been the best solution for a long time, I just didnt realize it.