I’m looking a guild that will let me come to heroic and do some keys with. I have some cutting edge experience and can handle mythic bosses as well, but I’m not looking to invest alot of time in raiding.
I mostly pvp, but i run all the content that I can to stay competitive.
No one logs on in my guild anymore and i just want some people to play with so that i don’t have to pug anymore.
We have a second raid group, that does Heroic on Wednesday nights, 9 PM - 12 AM CST. It’s mostly made up of our Mythic Rosters geared Alts (no hard carries) but some mains as well and people trying to catch up on gear. We do plenty of M+ and have a few PVP’ers too. Feel free to reach out if you are interested. Here is some info about us.,
Catalyst [Sargeras] [A] is a community focused on end game PVE progression. We have a very experienced group of leaders, skilled in organizing and executing all end game content. Our core group of friends and raiders reformed the guild to push at a high level. We may raid at a high level but with a semi-casual approach (2 Nights a week for 3 hours a night). We will make the most out of the time we spend raiding. We have high expectations for the guild, and thus are looking for exceptional players