5/10H & 10/10N SoD - Disc priest with mythic raiding experience LF a guild to raid with and push high keys. Currently gearing a resto shaman for keys as well! contact me if interested.
I was playing resto druid but I rerolled to priest and rsham for pvp reasons. im x2 glad 2.8xp pvp aswell
We are looking for a disc priest to add to our mythic raid team. We raid Sat/Sun starting at 7pm server time. We are currently 1/10M 7/10H. If you are interested, our guild post is below.
We’re looking for a disc priest to solidify our mythic healing roster and get our current priest back on his lock. < Too Stupid To Quit > Sargeres Alliance we raid Tues/Wed 8PM-11PM EST. We’re currently 9/10N and 5/10H starting into mythic tonight. If you’re interested in talking more or want more info I added you on discord!