So very true. Very little real fixes or changes to all healers and many specs. To much focus on bew borriwed power systems on top of systems causing more issues that wouldnt exist if they would stop adding them and attempting to balance them. Its such a mess its feeling like this is gonna be the first time we get two bad expansions back to back usually the pattern is good expansion bad one but this feels like a blunder. We dont even get to really learn any new class abilities and new max level its looking rough to me.
This is just false.
I don’t know why everyone is obsessing so much on like S, A, B, etc. class charts in order to define if they’re actually any good. That’s kind of a silly way to look at things.
If a guild or a pug M+ groups wants somebody to tank a boss encounter… they just get a tank. Preferably a good one. It doesn’t matter what class they are. It’s the same with healers. People just want people that can heal and are good at it.
In reality nobody cares what class you are as long as you’re a good player. Showing up consistently, having a positive attitude, knowing & avoiding boss mechanics, etc. matters more than what class you are. There’s people who play the S-tier FOTM class and are just bad at it. You see these people when you pug and they’re doing like 20k dps and you’re like what the heck is wrong with them?
I’ve literally played with just about every healing class in raids and they all do nearly the exact same healing output at the end of most fights. There’s no healing class that just blows everyone away by like 10-20% as long as they’re played with equally skilled players. Raid healing is so scripted that its just a matter of the group taking turns popping raid wide heal cooldowns. Disc just uses Radiance and when it’s on cooldown you switch to spamming bubbles or shadow mends on people until its up and you can DPS again.
I pugged M+ groups this week playing shadow just out of boredom and had Resto Druids and Holy Paladins that can’t even keep up with the damage I can faceroll with Holy or Disc.
Player skill can certainly break a class, but it also can’t compensate for any abilities that simply don’t exist for the class.
All healers have the abilities to heal.
Holy (and from what I understand, Disc) priest lacks the single target throughput of the other class base rotations and must dive into Flash Heal/SW:Mend spam sooner than the other classes need to go ham on their mana. This is a soft wall for H.priest (as noted by everyone saying that Tyrannical is a problem), and directly affects your ability to complete OR time keys. This could be fixed by the devs at ANY time, but we’ve gone the entire xpack without a fix. (??? yeah, I know, go disc, but thats the reason we’re having these conversations)
Holy priests lack a lot of utility present on other healers. This is not necessarily a wall, but it certainly makes it more difficult to find and complete higher level keys.
Holy priest / Resto shaman (this is not firsthand information) don’t have DR personals and get 1-shot at lower keys than the other healers. This is a brickwall situation for them, and WoW doesn’t care if you’re a god at your class or not. (On the PTR, it doesn’t look like PW:Shield is going to fix this problem, either.)
We can all agree that resto druids are OP for MythicRestoDruid+friends dungeons, but even if they get nerfed, you still won’t see Holy priests anywhere near the MDI until their fundamental problems in that content are sorted.
Shamans have Astral Shift which is a very good personal (for PvE at least), it gives them 40% damage reduction on a very short 1.5m cooldown. 40% DR usually comes with a 3 to 4m cooldown so being half of that makes it very good.
What exactly is lower keys?
Forums need a laugh react to help us keep doomsayers in line.
Pretty much. There’s an alternate reality on the forum vs ingame. Forum people think retail works like Vanilla/Classic where you had forced specs and only certain classes were actually allowed in raids/dungeons.
Don’t really want it anyway. You know how many buttons I’m up to now for nukes? Let’s count. Mind blast, penance, purge the wicked, mind sear (wait, what?) mind games, schism, solace and SW:Death.
Then I need to have heals handy. Lets count those. Shadow mend, shadow covenant (this one kind of situational but I usually take it on beta) radiance, PW Shield.
Then I need to have utilities handy at any moment. Lets count that. Rapture, Barrier, Pain suppression and mass dispel. I think I could live without SW:D
What does resto druids have? Like 5 buttons?
Define doomsayer.
If “Holy priest unused in MDI, has deficiencies compared to other healers which make pushing keys more difficult, and no incoming changes to address that” = Doomsayer, well, I guess since you obviously have no intention of playing Holy, go ahead and laugh away.
That’s not really doomsaying since it’s the truth.
Doomsaying is what the OP did, all of it was just so so incorrect.
who’s even talking about holy here
I have a glyph of the Lightspawn for my Disc priest that turns my shadowfiend into a Lightspawn! I love the Lightspawn but when I take the talent Mindbender it disregards the glyph entirely and only shows a mindbender. lets get a big thread going so blizzard can change it!
Dude. Chill. Have you looked at disc? Or played it? It’s going to be fine.
What makes you say that?
Did your numbers seem too high and easy on Mythic Nzoth, 25 plus keys, 3k rating?
The amount of recruitment posts currently in the Guild Recruitment forums, that are specifically asking for Holy Pally/Disc Priest/Resto Druid in terms of Shadowlands recruitment is soul crushing to say the least.
I know alot of people who say “play the class you want” and that is what makes it more enjoyable, and I do agree to that. But outside of actual healers, I dont think most other raiders look at healing like that. I switched to MW monk mid-BoD because of the pressure and the sheer amount of “are you disc?” questions I would get asked when trying to get into a pug (and sadly even a guild group a time or two).
Disc has always been mid-to-top tier healing compared to holy and judging from the beta and patch notes, this will be no different. A few nerfs here and there will hurt yes, but the spec itself will still do just fine and even better in capable hands as has previously been the case.
Resto Druid?
They are looking very mediocre for the SL raid, holy paladin not too good either.
Everyone wants Shamans right now.
This just seems like a case of anecdotal evidence.
If someone wants a resto druid for whatever reason then a holy priest is basically the next best thing.