Disc Needs Buffs

Heh, my DPS is usually ~4.5-5k running it and 5-5.5k not running it (granted I’m not running kyrian) - it makes up about 8% my healing and I’m fine with that. :stuck_out_tongue:

I think thats what makes disc so cool. You can be successful with mutiple covens, and our talent options do change our game play quite a bit.

I just dont use penance defesively enough to justify it, if you do thats cool.

Also i suggest running wowlogs. When i was looking you up on the leaderboards i noticed you didnt have any logged. I thought i was doing big damage based off my meters but when you run logs the image changes a bit.

I noticed a lot of your runs are holy, especially on tyranical weeks. I gotta say im impressed you were able to do 20 lower on tyranical as disc.

Yup, I started the season on holy just to get my +20s in the first couple weeks for portals. After that I started playing Disc with my friend’s DPS alt, and then started playing it more on my own. Might finally get my less than 20s out of the way this week but it’s necrotic week so also might just not play, lol.

I honestly haven’t uploaded a log to WCL since… early legion? So any logs I have there are incidental or someone else in the raid group I’m in logging.

Maybe it’s worth revisiting.