Playing priest this xpac has made me hate eots
i have ptsd from eots.
it went from one of my favorite battlegrounds to having to avoid the most fun part which is the clash in mid. or staying so far back that i donât feel iâm giving my all.
i often rush forward with a glider/pvp knockback immunity buff and start mind controlling people before they notice me. but then the rest of my team is just derpin around mid fighting things that donât matter.
sigh, the life of pugging
Since the changes to consumables, thatâs the only place left where I will sometimes use truffle. First fight in EotS. Otherwise itâs just crimson embers for everything else.
i miss the way those consumables worked before the change. it was super easy to glider + stealth potion + pest fogger + truffle.
so many monks would put ring of peace on me and sit there wondering why it didnât work.
I donât mind having to use only one at a time now. I just donât like the five minute cooldowns. Oh well.
i think overall having consumables share cooldowns in bgâs is a good idea. the only reason i miss being able to overlap consumables in that manner is because the game is so cheesed up with garbage CC, it was a temporary reprieve.
it was a bandaid on their doo doo DR/CC system, and now that band aid is gone.
Itâs awful, I was playing this morning
faced 5 mmâs, 2 eleâs, and 2 dragon healers
Felt like I was taking an uber to the maw to do dailys with arthas.
Truffle nerf was way to hard, before that eots was manageable
Always welcome to come hang out with my group
I think the only enjoyment I get out of eots is the rare time Iâm paying enough attention and am close enough to grip someone that got knocked. The rest of the time it is miserable. Though at least I can stand back as a caster, poor melee get punted constantly.
Couldnât have said it better myself
EOTS Blitz has guardrails.
Holy Priest + Afterlife (Holy Talent) + Spirit of Redeemer (PvP talent) = 60 yard Leap of Faith
Lots of fun.
But it does come with the cost of being Holy.
It also has a lot of people that treat it like a random, rush the mid, and then stay there too long because nothing dies in Blitz team fights.
EOTS was a lot more fun when we were able to use the ForceâŚShining Force.
I also have trouble with how tanky healers are, i thought this thread might have some good insight for devs into making gameplay a bit more snappy, but now i think i might just be an idiot like OP is. Damn.
The main problem is that damage outside of offensive cooldowns is generally too low to kill healers. So, if the healers have defensive cooldowns to answer for offensive cooldowns then they arenât really a good kill target.
I think the game would be better if there was better sustained damage and less reliance on cooldowns.
The main thing is fun, though. Are healers fun to fight? No. Just like tanks. Not fun to fight.
They are fun to knock off of cliffs, though.
you should meet blood dk in an abandoned capital like silvermoon if you wanna see some unkillable garbage
While Disc may be one of the tankiest specs, making them great RBG flag carriers, and I hate being feared as much as the next person, cyclone is one of the top 5 CCs in the game. Killing a healer with his firends nearby is really only an option vs Rdruid, Rsham, and Hpal. Just CC/inerupt los Disc.
Maybe a flag holder, not so much flag carrier. Priests have the mitigation but they are too slow. Even with helpers, one should struggle to get anywhere with the likes of a DK around. The healers that might outclass all tanks as flag carriers should be among mistweaver and preservation.
For sure a Mistweaver would be better, STRONG defensives and better mobility. I didnt say Disc was the best, but Id rather have a Disc on my team carry than just about any dps or non-blood/guardian tank. Your average dps player can die in 1-3seconds if the enemy team focuses them.
I mean
This happens to me every day LOL
No trinket â coil â insta dead
Just takes 2 average damage and a decent cc chain to kill any healer
didnât you literally global J 100-0 instantly and include it in a video lmao