another day another “I did 12k dps to a healer and they didn’t die?” post
i shouldn’t have to use any of my: abilities, gear, intuition, knowledge of wow, knowledge of gaming in general - to kill a healer.
i am So SICK of this !!! 11! 1! bilzard ples fix
you just can’t argue with blood elf priests. I agree with everything you said…especially the part where you said “nerf hunters”
I see that you’ve changed your gems, nice.
You’ll find changing your cloak, bracer and feet enchants to be beneficial too, avoidance does very little in PvP. You also don’t need Watchers Loam. You want speed instead, almost everyone else uses speed, so you’re missing the 11% extra speed and you won’t be able to chase or kite away from most players.
If you have the conquest for it, buy a Lesser Trophy of Conquest from Calderax in Gladiator’s Refuge and use it to get precog crafted on a Signet of Titanic Insight ring. You’ll need a Statuette of Foreseen Power and a Draconic Missive of the Aurora, as well as the mats, from the AH. Precognition is very powerful and could allow you to land a kill. If you need any help using the Crafting Order system, just ask, I’m sure someone will assist.
And, if you want to continue to use the PvP talent Star Burst, you’ll want to put a talent point into Starfall. Otherwise you’re wasting one of your PvP talent slots, since Star Burst only happens when you press Starfall.
It appears as though you’ve focused on staying alive to the detriment of your role, which is doing damage. If you can out DPS your opponent, you’ll kill them before they kill you. If you have bad healers behind you, no amount of Stamina/Avoidance will save you.
Have a look here if you want to get a general idea of what the top Boomies are most commonly playing:
You’ll also want to use this macro…
/cast Mass Entanglement
/cast Solar Beam
It’s incredibly annoying to any caster who isn’t a Druid and will most likely get them to use their trinket.
On a side note, gg in that Warsong earlier tonight!
I’m glad I added regular random battlegrounds back into my routine. I especially missed the 10-mans.
It was the best BG for me today, they went decidedly downhill from there.
poop stick is a thing i guess. not at my house but ive seen them advertised.
originalpoopknife dot com
$30 is insane for what is essentially a silicone spatula.
“ dishwasher safe”
Boomy complaining about disc priest is prob the goofiest thing I’ve seen on the forums in along time
Quite literally the only healer without an answer to root beam, and the worst healer at dealing with getting clone spammed
root beam is my favorite thing to stand in. so shiny
Don’t go toward the light!
my sub ends feb 9th. but til then, i’m going toward the light. cmon boomies i want the floor covered.
nevermind i can’t stand that crying. i just resubbed for 80 years.
the warlock one where they port a whole team makes me feel emo cuz its dark and mysterious.
i always put on Coheed and Cambria when i see warlocks. i know what’s coming and i’m gonna lean right into it.
I have no idea what you priests are talking about…
keep it that way. your life depends on it
Also, the best healer to knock off of cliffs.