Disarming Bladestorm

Disarming Bladestorm shouldnt be a thing.

I know its a fantasy rpg with orcs and spell casters, but the mechanic that someone can “disarm” my tauren warrior thats spinning in circles with a two hander is just bad.

Makes absolutely no sense in any context.


Originally it wasn’t, we’re on the patch that they made it disarmable for balance reasons.

Feels kinda weird that an attack that makes you unstoppable can be stopped, but at least it’s by what? Other warriors? Can any other classes disarm?

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But, my delicate orc hands are the definition of finesse.


Which ones? I know warriors can. Is it rogues? Do they have a combo point thing that disarms?

MM Hunter, rogue, s priest, warrior… I think that’s it.

Anyone that can use a 1H Mace:

Alternatively, Linken’s Boomerang trinket:

Oh yeah, Chimera shot now with scorpid sting, forgot about that.

Didn’t know S-priests could disarm though.

Sucks to be bladestorming warriors I suppose.

This is good to know. I can’t wait to try it in BGs.

May want to prepare a weapon with a weapon chain or something.

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As a warlock who has to juke 2 interrupts, spell reflect, intimidating shout, 2 charges, fear immunity, and then eat a BS, I’m glad there’s some kinda brakes on that even if I don’t have em.


Disarming bladestorm is very satisfying


Fire mage has an on hit disarm, very annoying


It’s called psychic horror and it’s one of our 40 point talents. 3 second “fear” and a 10 second disarm.


I remember when this change happened. It was very needed. Watch the Tom Cruise Bladestorm video for a summary.

Even with the nerf by late wotlk you will see that warriors dont need any buffs… They’re strong. Think of bladestorm as more of a CC break in most practical arena scenarios, which is great. But there are comps that cant disarm you.

Its one of the reasons why Spriest/Rogue does well into warrior teams in 2s.

I should also be able to jump over warriors hamstrings right?

The immovable object.


lol so you just want it even more broken and OP?


Warriors are so ridiculously strong… just no.

Imagine bringing realism into world of warcraft balance rofl

I disagree, and furthermore I think you should be able to disarm it in retail as well.

Offensive cooldowns with no counterplay are bad game design.