That won’t stop you from being disarmed though and as such won’t stop bladestorm
Makes me sad when I am on my warrior… BUT…
its a very powerful ability and without any counter play it would be OP as hell. I think the only thing that’s truly tilting is that not only does S-priest get disarm but they also have shield wall that can be used while in CC… Also clears snares and makes them immune because “reasons”
Yeah, but it will reduce the duration, or does disarming just straight up cancel the Bladestorm?
Tbh it’s a good comprise, Bladestorm is a really fun ability to use but also incredibly brain dead in that it ignores all CC and literally just rips through people.
The only counter is taking the weapon away as you’re spinning around, so disarm makes sense.
As a warrior myself I love baiting out enemy blade storms and disarming them and then blade storming on top of them, often the warriors who blade storm as their first ability have zero stance macros set up so they have no clue how to react with their own disarm.
Slow your movement down by like 50% while active and then make it disarmable.
The game involves a little more thinking than facerolling into the enemy. You need to think about your opponents cooldowns. If they haven’t used their disarm yet then you know you can’t bladestorm. It’s a back and forth of trying to force them into a mistake.
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