
Not saying get rid of right-click reporting either. Saying remove the auto-squelch attached to it. And even if I was saying just remove right-click report, Blizzard would never remove the ability to report people completely, so you would still be able to report people’s bad behavior.


I would be fully in support of some of the options proposed in the other thread such as just collapsing the text of the offender and having an option client side to remove even that.

But ideas as mild as that were shot down as ZOMG no one should have any consequences at all for trolling.

Are you trying to say that TBC wasn’t a social game?


Abuse would accomplish the same thing it does in retail, it stops you from communicating with random strangers.

I don’t remember anyone saying that. Regardless I’ve never said that. I’ve only ever said players should not have the ability to punish other players.

Something that is objectively far more vital in Vanilla and should be in Classic, then it is in modern WoW.

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Which should make people that much more careful not to get squelched :slight_smile:

Get ready for this, you’re about to see what I’m advocating for in action.


I’m not taking the bait. Goodbye.


I guess the only time WoW was social was in Vanilla, according to you.

Remember folks, before right click report NO ONE was punished (by Blizzard) for violating the CoC/ToS in chat…

No one…





Irrelevant as you can get squelched without violating ToS/CoC.



And? Someone could get struck by a meteor at any time. That doesn’t mean that actions having consequences doesn’t matter.

The old system didn’t erroneously punish people through mob mentality.

Edit: Also, really? a meteor? Your analogy is bad and you should feel bad.



The old system also erroneously didn’t punish people it should have.

You mean Blizzard? The arbiters of what is right and wrong as opposed to the players?

If both systems are flawed, why change it from Vanilla?

Also, again, how is the old system a “consequence free environment”?


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The current system is significantly less flawed :slight_smile:

Look I would be 100% behind blizzard having dedicated people doing nothing but monitoring chat and instantly responding to issues but since that wasn’t the case in the past I have no reason to think it will be in the future.

The current system is significantly less Vanilla, as well.


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So? We already know blizzard hasn’t invented a time machine.

That makes the current system MORE flawed than the old. But we both know you could care less about the authentic Vanilla experience.


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Vanilla wasn’t a consequence free environment. The difference was, in Vanilla reports had to warrant the time it took to go into the help window and create a ticket. From there you needed details for a report. Now you can right click their name and cross your fingers they get muted even over something benign, or have enough friends and guarantee it. People feel powerless in their lives and being able to right click someones name to access some fraction of GM privileges feels empowering to them. Taking it away would mean they had to justify every report and with it their powers of abuse.

Some plan to be ‘harassed’ much more often than others.


So really you can’t make a good argument other than #nochanges

Got it.