Disappointed with Paying for Early Access to the New Expansion

No point with arguing with them, A set group of people are very insecure about this issue, and they get trigger easily if you have any feedback at all about how you don’t like it.


No one is insecure except you. Every time someone says something that doesn’t line up with your opinion, you try to play victim and gaslight everyone.

No one cares. This game has bigger problems than early access.

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Trust me I know, and it’s these set group of people that allow these businesses to screw us over time and time again. It’s pathetic but what can you do?

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Maybe there should be. Like… just sayin

Nothing will work, because it is a low risk high return for Blizzard.

Video game addiction is strong with gamers, and wow has some of the most addicted players, This is a easy way to push people into getting a head start, and biting the bullet to get epic. Without any extra work on them.

Even if players boycott and not get the epic. They would just add even more next time.


So you dislike early access but want people to pay for something they get for free right now?

I’m not sure I follow. Maybe I’m misunderstanding.

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I have a hoodie with this printed on it

not the text, just the image

yea I love coffee and my favorite cup is almost an extension of my hand.
I do put it down, usually to make more coffee :slight_smile:


Wait so you paid and then got disappointed … why did you pay then ? 3 day early access alone is not worth it

If you want the one month sub or the exclusive loot from it , then go for epic. Don’t do for early access

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I hate that the company does it. Like, you get enough stuff from epic. Why do you need to target people who are impatient or addicted to your game that would not pay that much, if it did not have it. I don’t know, a game that has a player run ecom should never have head start, even if they are limited some. (even though they are not with gathering stuff.


The truth is this only works if you care, but if you don’t care a ton about the game or expansion it literally doesn’t matter. Or if you just might play it at some point.

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You think you’re getting it for free. From my perspective, the only reason I bought epic edition was for the early access. I’m not getting it for free, I paid $40 to access the game 3 days sooner. That’s far from free to me. Am I getting a little bit of buyers remorse from it? Maybe… remains to be seen. If so I will be less likely to buy it next time.

And I could be wrong but I think that’s the main reason anyone would buy it. Like if you polled the playerbase or whatever, “why did you buy epic edition?” I think they knew that. Why else would they have put it in the most expensive tier.


The entire breakdown I listed and the fact that we aren’t paying more for the Epic Edition does show we are, in fact, getting it for free— along with other things.

You did not.

No one I know has bought it just so they could get early access.

It makes people look at everything else they get from it and go, “that’s a nice bonus to get early access and beta access, too.”

Do we need to do a side by side of what comes in the DF Epic Edition and WW Epic Edition to show what you’re getting broken down, too?

Tunnel visioning on one aspect doesn’t change the facts of what comes in the bundle that we actually paid for.

I have the Epic Edition. I’m not playing early access unless my guildies decide to. Game is too broken and frustrating to me right now.


I literally did. I am telling you that that’s why I bought early access, and it is the only reason I bought it.


You’re paying extra for other goods within the game. Early Access/Beta Access are just extra’s added in within the version of the TWW pre-purchases, and are not the only benifits.

Good lord, how many more threads are we going to see of people misinformed.


That is false.

It was added to get people who are addicted to pull the trigger. It was a very clever business move, but also scummy.

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I got the Epic Edition. I’ll probably level up during the early access. It wasn’t why I bought the Epic Edition, I’ve been buying those for the last few expansions. My money, my right to spend it how I want.


If you only purchased the edition for early access, then that is a “you” problem, not a Blizzard problem.


Let’s clear something up. You bought an Epic Edition that comes with a crap ton of stuff, but what motivated you to buy was the early access. That’s entirely different.

You did not pay for early access. You do, in fact, have everything else that comes with the Epic Edition. Whether you ignore what is there or not… it’s all still there.



Dude, I don’t care that it’s there. The entire point of this discussion is early access. It’s the title of the thread. We’re discussing early access, not the mini pet or the mount and the traders tender that you get along with it.

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