I like early access. It separates the men from the boys, the have’s from the have not’s. The preorder editions align with our American society and capitalistic economics.
Blizzard gives each of us the option to spend more money to be a few zones ahead or complete the campaign before the general population comes and crowds it out. It also gives people who do trade skills a leg up to get more materials and corner the market.
Some see early access as an investment. Pay more=Make more gold=sell gold for wow coins=trade wow coins for blizzard store credit=pay for sub for next year.
I dont have any concerns…its a video game.
I do feel it was a money grubbing thing to do that…well, would have been some dirty thing I would have done in my field years ago, working against certain personality types to sell them something they didnt really need, but Id know theyd pay the price to have it.
If you don’t want to pay or can’t pay for the most expensive offer you don’t have to.
It’s three days and most content will not be out till its global release.
This is not going to change anything. If you want to pay for early release then great if you don’t then you can wait till global and you will not miss anything.
Exactly…we wont miss ANYTHING by not buying it. Kinda what I was getting at in my previous post. Bliz knew many would pay xtra $$$ for literally nothing…if Im not saying that right.
I haven’t had issues on launch day for the past few expansions but I also think it has to do with something many never consider— personal expectations and tolerance.
Doesn’t bother me at all if people want to get a little head start. Going to wait and see if they get all the inevitable bugs that are going to happen in the first few weeks taken care of in a timely fashion. And to see if they finally address the sharding issues that plagued the biggest part of DF. Nothing worse than fighting a rare, or doing a weekly like the suffusion camp weekly, and being put into a different phase when the monster you are fighting is about dead disappears, or a progress bar is 95%, goes back to 0, then have to wait another god knows how long for another spawn.
I agree completely. What I don’t like is the overall attitude displayed by a lot (not all, mind you) of the “premium buyers” belittling and trash talking those that didn’t. Area 52 chat was littered with this last night, calling people “poories” and “welfare recipients that couldn’t afford the extra $40”.
It’s just creating the opportunity for toxic division. Listen, if you want to pay up for 3 days early, have a fun. AndI genuinely mean that. But you don’t have to be a jerk about it saying you should be able to lord over everyone who did not pay the extra.
With all due respect, all I ever see on these forums and on Reddit are the people who can’t/won’t buy it wishing nothing but the worst for those that did.
I cannot speak to your server and the stupidity that those people were spouting, but I will say that from what I see, its not the people with it being obnoxious over it.
I have no contempt for someone that didn’t buy it, I’ve no feeling of superiority, I just had some time available and I wanted the cool extra’s that came in that edition. Nothing more.
Sorry you had people on your server being a bunch of children about it, but we can all agree that we just want to play WoW.
You ever meet a predator IRL?? I feel like you haven’t. Cause if you ever had you’d want to slap this word right out of your mouth too. Just cause you know a word doesn’t mean you know the word and this is one you should use appropriately not for some piss poor effect.
If you like crowds, go for it. I don’t. I get it “but this is an MMO”, it’s (also) an “RPG” and many forget about this. I love the “RPG” aspect of this game. What’s left of it, anyway.
And that’s why I made sure to state not all are showing the attitude. You are the type of player that is excited and passionate about this franchise and that’s why this base needs more of.
I’ve never viewed early access as “paying more for a head start” in any game.
I’ve view “early access” as the cost to play the game at launch, and the non-early access as the option to pay less for the game to start later.
This gets muddied when things like subscription time, and in game perks/cosmetics are thrown in the mix.
There’s no way to turn off the p2w advantages of an EA because even the act of playing the game grants knowledge which is an advantage even if suddenly at launch exp was reset / gear wiped / etc.
An extreme version of EA is that everything gets wiped at launch.
How many people would be falling over themselves to engage in the game a few days earlier if everything was wiped? Top end minmaxers who want every advantage possible to “win” the raiding/m+ races? It’s not EA anymore but a preview? Would you get the feel of multiple classes (probably not, you might get the feel of 1 or 2 tops to make a launch decision) Would it matter?
I bought the epic edition. I didn’t play in the beta and I won’t be able to play this weekend. It isn’t the end of the world or even a competitive advantage.