Disappointed with Paying for Early Access to the New Expansion

The only one who purchases it at the end of the day is you. It’s a decision you make and if it’s one that isn’t well thought out then this is where Blizzard slips away saying “You just didn’t read the fine print”.

Buying a whole batch of things just for one thing in that batch isn’t really playing smart to begin with because that’s a hefty price to pay just for one thing. You’d be a lot happier if getting it was because you wanted most if not all of the things included.

How dare you use logic!


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If “loyalty was rewarded”, some of us wouldn’t even be paying for expansions anymore. We’d just get them. Some of us would have that statue they’re selling in the now Sold Out collector’s edition showing up at our house this week, so we can set it on the shelf next to our 10 year statue (which would complete the set).

But this isn’t the old Blizzard, this is Overwatch/Diablo as a live service Blizzard. Anything for that extra $20.

At least “loyal” customers get the Trading Post.

But anyway, that extra $20 gets you a month of playtime (which costs $15), leaving $5 to pay for a toy (usually $10), a set of 4 colors of a pet (usually $10), 250 trading post currency and a hearthstone (usually comes with the expansion now?

No one’s paying for early access, they’re getting it for free with their purchase. People make it sound like no one can log in for these 3 days but those with access to the expansion early.

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Yeah but in that one they were complaining about people being able to pick herbs and mine ores and they can’t because they didn’t get the early access because their husband convinced them to waste all their gold on D4, lol.


As one who always used to buy the extra version of the expacs for the pets & mounts perks, I consider “early access” as an extra goodie to that type of “package” that has always been around, since I can remember.

Just Blizz inventing new ways to entice their playerbase to give them more money. Nothing new.


The most funny thing to me about the folks raging against EA are those they give a diatribe on why they hate but then at the end go “oh I’m still going to play during early access I’m just say I think it’s predatory “


But I do give those folks respect for honesty

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The bottom line is not increasing prices for 20 years means they’ll generate revenue everywhere they can. We’ve been complaining about micro transactions for over a decade. But if they monetize something, they get a small amount of blowback. If there’s talk about pricing, the gargoyles come out in droves.

The gates are already open now. This sets no more of a dangerous precedent than the first boost, token, server swap, or mount.

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You win the internet today :slight_smile: You tell em!!!

Launch day is just awful, for new expacs. Unless you’re one of those “need to be first” folks, “early access” is actually a good thing to help flush out the crowds. Though, I still don’t think it’ll be by much, but I digress.

Bro you are such a whiny complainer. How else would they do a Early Access? The only other best possible way I can think of is that only accounts with a certain amount of hours could get Early Access. That way the actual real dedicated players can play at the start without all the very terrible latency and lag issues with the servers being overloaded.

Payrolls and cost of development have just become more expensive. They could do it this way or they could just charge everybody $80. This is the best way.

I think it’s a brilliant & very fair way to stagger the launch. I paid for the Epic & I may give it a shot just to see. But my MO for a good many years has been to always let the masses go first & play old content or not at all. Besides I’m working all weekend. Trying to take off next weekend when it will hopefully be all smoothed out <3!

Between vanilla to Legion only two tiers existed: Regular and Collector’s Edition. Legion is where the “Digital Deluxe Edition” started which was the same as the CE minus the physical items, but was still the same as far as in-game items went. The current style multi-tier releases with increasing amounts of items didn’t start until BfA

Why is legion getting so much love all the time?? Do people really forget how much hate legion got when it launched? Internet has the memory of a goldfish


Would taking early access out of the bundle lower the cost of said bundle?

No, it would not.

So I consider it a treat.

You people really need to get a life and find something new to whine about.

FYI, they make far more money on their monetizations than the monthly subs. That’s been the case for many years now.

One of the lead devs for StarCraft 2 complained (after leaving the company) that the sparkle pony made more money than StarCraft 2 itself, a whole brand new game that had been eagarly awaited for over a decade. A single store mount at $25 made more money than an. entire. brand. new. insanely. desired. game.

Personally I didn’t even get the epic edition for the early access.

I got the heroic edition for the mount and figured I might as well upgrade for the pet and month of game time, which is a pretty good deal based on in game shop prices.

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Boy. Don’t tell him that this happens every where in the world. He might lose his collective feces.

early access helps decompress launch. If you want a smooth launch early access is the way to go

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