Disappointed in the beta handouts

so much this:) I was trying to type out a response like this but couldn’t word it right and you did just that. worded it right and I 100% agree. spot on

Is that the point of a “marketing beta”?

Aside from watching golf on TV, I can’t imagine anything more dreary than watching someone else play a video game while they talk about it.


What about watching someone eat a video game while they talk about it?

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i think we are going to have to agree to disagree. if you think its fine they spend the time they have for beta testing as “marketing beta” that is fine. i would prefer they spend it with people that actually want to “test/report bugs”.

btw, i have already posted that i dont want to “test” the game. i would play if they invited me, but i didnt want to test the game. I wouldnt be a good choice for a beta tester either

Why can’t they do both?

yeah, i agree with you on this topic. i’ve been playing for over 14 yrs and have only gotten TWO beta invites. the only break i took was at the end of cata until they announced MoP’s release date (oddly enough, MoP was my first beta access and playing it is what made me resub)… the second being for BfA- to which all of our suggestions fell on deaf ears, and this crap fest we’re stuck playing now is a result.

Or video a game where they eat about it!

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honest question. how many have you seen stop playing to take notes on a bug. or to report it to blizzard. they are playing the game for money.

Indeed, and the discussion happens. Maybe you’re reading it differently than I. It’s tough to infer emotional context sometimes. Personally I wouldn’t characterize op as a tantrum.

I appreciate the marketing angle giving a mess of streamers a key early on, it’s not lost on me that business concerns need to be forefront here if Classic is going to succeed. I’m going to use the OPs examples here, I think playtime demonstrates are level of dedication to the game and it’s a valuable metric, who can say how many keys went out.

You may be right, maybe there’s a QQ intent there.

For my part all I can say is I’m hopeful for the next round.

more then just that tbh at this point. so many issues and no time to list them

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Streamers generate buzz. Blizzard would be bat sheet crazy not to use them via delivery of keys. Honestly, it makes so much sense, I am surprised Blizzard did not eff it up somehow.

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Yeah I totally understand the angle.
I’m just a little salty here… I can admit that.


yeah, i didn’t wanna get smacked with the ban hammer again so i toned it down. =]

this beta are for the classic streamer mean the private server player good job blizzard :slight_smile: 2004 player here doomhammer

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No, I meant why can’t they do this marketing beta and then a more traditional beta?

I hope you get one. Personally I’m not terribly interested in it. I’ll play a little, but I still remember that grind from 50 to 60 when it was new. I’m not sure I want that again.

although I can’t say I wouldn’t enjoy stealthing around and stunlokcing someone to death.

Obviously Blizzard cant say, “We are going to give early access to streamers so we can get free advertisements”, or maybe they could have.

I am only saying they have 3 months until launch. They can only internally test on so many different operating systems, setups, computer configurations. That is why public Beta testing is important.

In the end it doesnt matter what either of us think. It is what it is. We will get the game we get. If it is filled with bugs, people will complain. If it is perfect, people will complain. Its what we do.

Me too mon amis. Guess we’ll see how the next couple months play out.
I didn’t cap or do endgame in Vanilla, highest I slogged up to was early 50s I think? That’s really the source of intrigue for me, feels like I missed out.

I’ll probably still play retail but time’s change.
Can’t be sitting around for 8hrs a day playing WoW anymore.

Been a pleasure chatting w/ you :tophat:

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Allow me to rub some salt in that wound. A streamer who was recently banned for a month using a leveling exploit was given beta access. If Blizzard ever watched any of these streams one would think they would not want to associate their brand with any of these people.

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