Disappointed in Blizzard making Sylvanas a villain

Been a big fan of hers since WC3.

Then the creative team started destroying her since they are not good at their job (honestly started at the end of WotLK in some kinda book where she committed sudoku when she threw herself from ICC, Sylvanas wouldn’t have done that). Haven’t kept up with all who has been writing, so maybe it’s newer writers that took over, or like The Simpsons, the old writers ran out of ideas ages ago n now they just phone it in n do very not good writing.


disagree. classic-wotlk was pretty good

In a game series where no faction was ever truly good, and conflict moves the story, yeah he was pretty sweet.

I disagree. Sylvanas should have died by the end of Wrath and actual lordaeronian forsaken characters should’ve been risen up to the pedestal of leadership for their race.

The forsaken themselves are way more interesting than Sylvanas’s pseudointellectual dumb dumb games and its a damn shame she overshadows all of them.

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I’d say “one of” just cause there’s like multiple decisions that could fit that spot like the Horde and Desolate councils, Varians quick and pathetic defeat before being imploded by Guldan, the entirety of Shadowlands, Alexstrazsa tolerating Sabellian at all in Dragonflight and just so many other things.

Sylvanas has always kind of been a villain, mate. Everything was a means to an end on her path of revenge on Arthas. And then it was doing whatever it took to preserve herself knowing what her fate would be if she died again. At one point it seemed like she cared for her people, but that was just a facade to get them to follow her.

Now the whole SL plot where everything was apparently the Jailer pulling the strings the whole time and her damaged soul shenanigans was beyond stupid, but Slyvanas has always been evil since her undeath.


Oh also considering this a thread about Sylvanas just gonna share this which I believe is a must watch for anyone who wants to actually understand Sylvanas as a Character originally and how one man allegedly ruined her. I personally find no reason to doubt said accusations considering in an old interview he falsely claimed Sylvanas was responsible for the events at the Wrathgate in WotLK when she was not.


Well she was a villain for a while. Then she switched back to our side and helped the champions defeat the Jailer.

As for her “punishment”, num nuts Tyrande basically threw her back into the Briar Patch. Now she’s down in her condo in the Torghast tower sipping wine with her feet warming by the fire.

Warning! Warning! FANBOI DETECTED! Warning! Warning!

As an aside, the fact that she didn’t merely escape, upon receiving her own soul, recovering Nathanos’ and from there, departing the story ala Jim Raynor and Sarah Kerrigan in SC2 was one of the greatest missed opportunities…

You just catching up?

sylvanas was one of those early 2000s angsty revenge characters. with her revenge had, they had no idea what to do with her, so they changed her story to being about survival and actually caring about the people she used as weapons.

…then they made her warchief and had to bs-excuse their way through two expansions, and here we are.

i mean, she was’nt acting like the sylvanas i knew back when i started in MoP. that sylvanas would’ve plagued and ressurected everything and everyone in a 100-mile radius. she would’nt have burned the tree, she’d have covered it in plague, and raised every night-elf on it as forsaken.

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Look, if Arthas had to be permanently dumpstered because “his story was done” than so was Sylvanas’; she was basically an edgy lichking plot device dressed up in ranger’s costume from the get go. She’s a humanoid set piece. A MacGuffin in a hood, not a real character.

I like how we apparently have to move on because War3 was pre-historic warcraft and we gotta look to the future and all that, but old lady Windrunner, who is also of that era, conveniently gets a free pass because she’s waifu fodder.

Still waiting on the Forsaken players to stop fronting and just admit that you only want her back because ‘she pretty’ and that’s as deep as this whole “Muh Dark Lady!” RP thing really goes.


Sylvanas was always a villain. And incompetent. The problem is that they ruined hers (and Jainas) storyline by not having them take part in the Lich King fight then meandered around with her in Cataclysm before not doing anything else with her to push the plot until Legion.

Remember that the time between Cataclysm and Legion was 6 years. It took 6 years for them to continue her storyline which already had the problem with it both being incomplete because her main drive got resolved in a out of game story and that her actions in cata effectively just went no where immediately after the worgen/silverpine story line for 6 years.

So don’t be disappointed in Blizzard making Sylvanas a villain. Be disappointed in them not doing it properly.

Also, unpopular opinion. She got too much screentime. She was just edgy Jaina in terms of the Lich King lore for horde side and it never got utilized since they changed their mind in wotlk.


TYSM for posting this. She took the words right out of my head. I’ve never been able to understand how some people have zero empathy for what she went through.

My first toon was an undead lock and I’ve been fascinated by the Forsaken and The Dark Lady since day one. I’ve never been super into the lore but it was abundantly clear that Sylvanas was done dirty. And she did dirty in kind. Hurt people hurt people.

I had no idea that Alex Afrasaibi, that raging criminal misogynist, was in charge of her arc it all makes sense. "“A serial abuser of women got to decide the trajectory of an angry and vengeful woman intimately traumatized by a man against whom she wants violent revenge” That really says it all, doesn’t it!


Yeah true, that’s why she needs an entire redemption arc without turning her into some two-bit generic Alliance leader

I kind of doubt that, sounds like they are bsing. That sounds like they had a “soft modern” revisionist morality crisis when they went back through the old lore. They couldn’t allow themselves to be seen adding complexity or character development to orc hitler.

Garrosh being a young, complicated character, being groomed for leadership in the burgeoning horde, was one of the best stories that they just completely dropped the ball on. It was narrative malpractice. He was the most interesting character in the game prior to his Saturday morning cartoon villain arc. It’s one of the reasons people stopped caring about the faction war, because pride in the horde just completely died after this.


Common these days. If say Varian Wrynn still been around, he would age, get grey haired and let his son handle more and more things. Sometimes monarchs willingly retire by abdication. Genn Greymane did that for most part though he seems to still hold his title.

But developers need to be careful removing legacy characters it can lead to loss of legacy fans.


Except it COULD happen. That sweet boy, not can he become a monster? It happens all the time.

It’s not her fault, she was just enthralled by a shirtless, shoeless man.

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I didn’t mind making her a villain, I minded making her such a poorly written one, who in the end was just a fool in a long line of fools being duped.