And you’ll have to convince me of the opposite.
How is it an exploit to use gear to carry someone for gold?
It isn’t. It’s an exploit when they charge people real money for it from a third party app…which is happening.
The people just doing it for fun with alts and friends is not an issue to my way of thinking.
Convince you of what? That these conveniences people insist they unsub over don’t actually change whether or not the game is fun?
I believe real-money transactions with third parties are themselves a violation of the ToS. If this is their concern, they ought to be cracking down on the specific behavior, not on people powerleveling their friends or twinks in general.
Or, you know… Activision could stop funneling resources from WoW into it’s failing projects, including mobile development. That’d be a step in the right direction. Actually put money back into the one thing keeping this barge afloat.
Fun for who sir? You? Because what you say is fun and is not fun is the rule to measure everyone else’s experience and opinions on? You have data to back all this up I take it?
Alright, I’ll make it as objective as I possibly can:
The conveniences that people insist they unsub over don’t actually change the game.
How does this “put everyone on as equal footing as possible” when it completely blocks new characters from completing their class halls before being forced into BfA content? Did you do your class hall during Legion? Why do you want to block others from doing that content as it was intended to be done?
Gameplay is executing buttons.
Behavior is what influences gameplay.
Blizzard felt that players locking their EXP (and boosting others’ alts) isn’t behavior they want to support. It’s literally no different from excessive Alt Runs for Mythic Raiders, or an unintended rotation with Arms Warrior. Turning off EXP isn’t being used in the way they intend it.
Stop trying to look for tinfoil theories, lol.
There’s actually a toy you can get to help with these one-shot mob situations. You can buy it from the toymaker in Dalaran, it’s called the Soft Foam Sword. It won’t stop the devs from putting their heads where the sun doesn’t shine, but it could at least help you complete quests you outlevel without having to be naked and with rez sickness.
This is amazing to me, in an expansion that isn’t doing so well, you guys at Blizzard really want to anger the playerbase even more?
Or SP RPG games. These often give the out of mods even. A big piece of BGS’s longevity imo.
A skyrim without mods and as BGS intended? It not be that massive fan favored game it is today imo/ When I and BGS had different visions of how the game should be most times a mod author had what I had in mind out already lol. What keeps me going back again and again.
flying…my void elf is in northrend. She enjoys flying that started at 60. I like questing in northrend. Its my choice to hit ground targets randomly or jsut in the quest areas. its nice. I want to kill trash I kill trash. I jsut want to hit that quest…I hit that quest.
In bfa…I still avoid the trash mobs. its jsut I charge through them. Flying is more elegant a solution.
Faster levelling. BFA gets more fun imo, and others, at 340+. How you get there. 120, zone questing done enough to see WQ’s, run them for rewards.
the cycles of gear runs . 310 all, 315 all, 320 all ding…warfront time. Spam them till set up.
Now…BFA is fun. Why this came to be really. scaling has lower and upper boundaries. Twinking with legion gear…is under the lower. 340+ is starting to get past the upper. That middle region between the 2…would be the unfun part.
Amazing, lower level players being able to power high level toons through content… Issue must be that players are abusing game features. /s
How about fixing the progression so our toons don’t get less powerful with levels past 110. Scaling is totally broken for leveling content. Talk about treating the the symptom instead of the cause.
Prepairing to deeleete contagion Fun is not aloud…!
I think a better solution would be allowing you to level lock your character, to the expansion that permitted a max level cap, for your current level. So if you are 110, you can level lock your character. You will be free to grind out the story line, or just play end game Legion as a whole. As for the trade off? The second you “Accept” the opening quest for the next expansion, your level lock is turned off until that expansions max level. You will also not be able to purchase, trade, sell, etc. any items, gear, materials, pets etc. from the next expansion.
“What if I somehow get to an area where the next expansion takes place?” Then your lock goes off. Simply put, if you want to farm, or play the end game of the expansion your locked on, then you will play it as if there was no expansion after it. All loot, items, etc relevant to your current expansion level “Lock”, will be all that you can use.
No before I see 100’s of post saying it’s a dumb idea or it won’t work, read the biggest common complaints. Most are leveling is tedious, or BFA has no motivation to grind levels, or players want to enjoy the end game of Legion. This actually solves a lot of those issues, by providing an overall solution. I know there will be moans and groans about enchanting twink gear, gemming gear, etc. You can’t have everything you want in a game. You play it for your own reasons, but that does not mean that everyone else is playing for your reasons. Blizzard can accommodate some wants and needs to make players happy, but it is impossible to accommodate an entire player population.
You’re talking around my point and you’re making a distinction between ‘trash mobs’ and ‘quest mobs’ as if that means anything.
The game is the same. You use your class abilities to kill things. Whether you use your flying mount to skip the mobs that aren’t part of your quest or not, that’s still the game. Class abilities and killing things.
You’re not describing how the game is any different, you’re just explaining it can be done faster.
So faster = fun? Intended speed = unfun? What point are you trying to make?
They changed their minds and decided they no longer want people to play that way. So they’re changing the game to keep them from playing that way and breaking the characters they put together in the process in order to force them to level up against their will.
Sure sounds like behavioral modification is the intent.
Of course, they never take into account that people will have other options besides spamming mythic+ until their eyes bleed or becoming mythic raiders.
Lots of players have quit the game. Of those who are still here, many have abandoned BfA in favor of doing other things. Likely devs are not meeting their participation projections for BfA content, and they figure that forcibly leveling up players against their will will push them into end game.
LOL. Good luck with that. Yet again they are pushing for very short term gain while risking even greater losses.
Since August of 2005, I have noticed a few things about Blizzard.
- Communication with the player base has been POOR concerning updates, nerfs, maintenances, shut-downs, re-starts, and details scarce.
- They make very short-sighted, heavy-handed decisions hastily.
- The lead blue posters have been exceptionally BAD at interacting with the community by alienating the player base with rudeness and vagueness.
Impresssed by this? I am not.
I’ve also seen this being used by level 111 bots that have to kill stuff for the loot. They can wipe out packs of mobs faster than I could kill one at 120 /365.