Disabling XP Gains on 110+ Characters

How can you forget Konami?
I once took their name on a game as an instant guarantee of quality. Then in the early 2010s they went mad.

You do realize that, every time someone tries to use the Blizzard is hemorraging cash and needs to find ways to get money QUICK argument, I just shake my head. You are talking about a company that makes $15 a month off of WoW subs (not to mention all the other games they have) The stock price isnt indicative of their bottom line, my friend…just sayin. I also don’t agree with the lvl 110 XPOff lock but…what are you gonna do? You pay to play THEIR game, not yours.

In light of Blizzards decision to NOT force us to gain experience I wanted to plug what I consider the most fun and rewarding part of the game I’ve experienced yet.

The 119 Alliance Community.

We have over 200 players that have joined over the last two months that this community has existed.

We run 119 pre-mades pretty much all day. Maybe take a moment turn your xp off, try and get some TW gear in the upcoming Cata Timewalking event coming soon for 300/310 drops. You guys might actually have some fun.


They implemented no flying in WoD so it’s nothing new


Yeah and their stocks are still down, wonder what the shareholder meeting will be like.


I’d pay good money just to sit in on that.

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The Soft Foam Sword only works on “trivial” mobs. I believe it requires a 20 level gap before the game considers the mobs “trivial”.

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99% of what I love to do in wow is hit 119 and pvp. Thanks Blizz…


Did Blizzard Employees implement the ability to turn off XP gains within the game?

No? Then you have every right to disable an exploit.

Yes? Then the players are using the game mechanics in an INTENDED manner regardless of your viewpoint on player behavior.

I don’t know about anyone else here but I turned my xp gains off on my lock at 115 so that the Legendary Items I worked for would not lose their special affixes. What about me? I just get lumped in with those who are using the mechanics of the game as they were intentionally implemented in a manner that is in your viewpoint not behavior you want to see? Why not just play my game for me?


Careful, you’ll get scolded in green text about how the intentions of the devs are more important than your ability to make choices in game.


And as long as those green texts are paying my subscription I won’t say a word. Until they DO pay my subscription the green text can go count trees.


**[quote=“Evè-illidan, post:1287, topic:53391, full:true”]
Literally how they lost millions trying to fix flying when I never saw a single post complaining about buying it at max.

No one ever got fed up and quit because they could fly at max.


This this this this this


Color me shocked and impressed that the Blizzard Developers on this game actually managed to show restraint in this area! Job Well Done! More of this please!


And when you consider the numerous and unnecessary changes this bunch have made to the game turned it into a dog’s breakfast in the first place, it seems to me the smart thing to do would be to undo.

Starting with patch 7.35



The “dislike” button isn’t being used as intended (I.e. to dislike posts)

The “XP turnoff” button isn’t being used as intended (i.e., to turn off XP)

Perhaps Blizzard should start publishing a manual of exactly how every little thing they put into the game should be used. Then we would all know in advance.

I can’t guarantee many players would like it or even keep playing, but hey, why not?


We want to funnel all of you to the land known as BFA where fun has gone to die… what a joke the games broke loaded with bugs a patch thats timegated and azerite but let’s waste time because someone made gold or was having fun not playing this Trashpack


I’m gonna admit that I, at first, thought you were making a parody of Hickory Dickory Dock.

Nope, and even if they were, they could just choose not to fly. I didn’t fly in wolk because I enjoyed the content so much I was taking my time and everyone who wanted to fly flew. Literally peak subs, and they refuse to re implement the best system thdy had.


I hope you all get huge severance packages and wish you no actual harm, but everyone involved in making the major decisions during this expansion should be fired, end of story. You guys are a disaster.