@Rhovali, it’s already not that much XP to level through expeditions. I leveled 2 alts by having them tag along while leveling my necklace and it takes much longer to level in expeditions than in the out world. This is not about fixing anything that’s broken. It’s about being sadistic to dedicated players. If someone is still enjoying the game, they must be stopped.
Some of the people in here already trying to come up with compromises for Blizz to nerf this.
Maybe I misunderstood which content it was that they were speed-running. The principle still stands if there is a method which is significantly faster than traditional solo-leveling, to the degree that people are willing to pay for it as a service.
Just tone down the numbers so that leveling through popular speed-running techniques isn’t so fast. That’s something they’ve always done in the past.
I remember some patch back in Cataclysm that controlled NPC drop rates for embersilk cloth and the little treasures from the treasure finding potion. They said they didn’t want any particular farming spot to be significantly better and more popular than others.
I thought it was stupid then too, but it was a hell of a lot better than “Well, we’re just going to remove the treasure finding potion and clean out your inventory of any cloth you currently possess” without considering how much work some people had put into that.
Oh, it’s easy. “we made a game where players can be sadistic towards each other. We should be sadistic towards them as well. It’s why they come here.”
Not sure what you’re getting at. This morning they were going to completely devastate an entire community of players. They later made one two-sentence post that implied they were reconsidering it and looking for alternatives. We’re spinning our wheels to help them find the least-damaging alternatives.
What I’m getting at is that in no way it should have even been on their radar, they made a post and in a few hours saw how silly it was.
The community then reacts by saying " You were going to cut my arm off, but I’'ll be happy if you only take my hand"
See post below.
Why not add a line of code for island expeditions to include If X player is 110 they’re unable to queue up until X player is 111. You guys can do this with every other level scene like scenarios back in MoP once you hit 86 you can’t queue for them. Or even LFR groups once you go past one level you can’t queue up for them.
It’s NOT HARD to do it’s pretty dang simple lines of code that should have been in there from the start. It doesn’t take long to get to 111 from 110 anyways.
Hopefully you listen again to the player base, it seems like we know how to get this game back on track more than you and your developers do.
Also until we see that we can keep our XP locked at 110. I’ve decided to reactivate an old account that only allows me to get to 110 and I’ll be playing there and stop playing my 120s and other 110s until I see that we can keep our XP locked at 110 if we want to. Also you better not make the tier sets inactive or else the players just might leave for good.
Because some people like playing islands at 110. OK?
Can we have some clarity on this SOON. I have ~700 dubloons. If I have to drop all this progress before I get a chance to hit 1000, this would be very disappointing. And that’s obviously a euphemism. I’d like to know if I should stop playing this game or if I can continue playing and making some progress towards my goal.
Kindly, clarify!!!
Okay, I understand your meaning better now. I think some of the suggestions do confirm your point. We shouldn’t be compromising over such a stupid, destructive idea. We shouldn’t be offering our hand to save our arm.
But I’m a pragmatist, not an idealist, and so I think we should still be preparing for them to do something incredibly stupid and continue discussing possible alternatives for them to accomplish part of what they want. It seems unlikely that they would completely renege on their promise to prevent this power-leveling approach.
I want to make sure they don’t fix a rat infestation by firebombing a city block.
Feels like all the decisions here lately are aimed at one thing: increasing the time played metric, in order to justify their designs. They aren’t making decisions based on whether or not it will be fun or engaging for the players, but are making decisions based on a business model that doesn’t care about the players wants or needs or level of enjoyment.
stop making sense. want to level “properly”…do it. OMFG a player made it to 120 faster than me. Spolier alert…wow’s worlds first to 120 achievement has been done. It was done on day 1 release.
I won’t lie. I did not really love my 3rd go around. As I level my 4th in northrend now…if the price right or found a leveling guild who did this for giggles and grins right I’d have done this. 3 “proper” 120 runs. each less fun than the last. Inb4 why play? 340+ ilevel is when BFA actually gets enjoyable to play. its getting there that makes root canal with no painkillers sound like a better time.
See I am looking more at the RPG part of mmoRPG. I have had many saves/chars in skyrim. One save the dark brotherhood rises to power. Another they are all dead starting with Astrid at the cabin. The guild has lived to grow and prosper…and died too. Stormcloaks win sometimes, sometimes the empire puppet regime of the thalmor.
here is how RPG to me makes rerolls fun. Stuff changes.
the irony of a BFA spec 120 levelled by capped players in legion gear I actually find quite funny as well. As I to be honest can’t wait till pre-release 9.0 death of azurite power to lose this crap. They could fix azurite gear to not suck…or break legendary use. chose the latter as its easier.
It may just be about the time played metric, but I think there’s more to it than that. I think the devs want the data to support their “vision”, and they will keep micromanaging the player base until we conform. Because honestly, I think the hour or two /played they get from preventing players from leveling with assistance from a 110 twink is offset by the time spent gearing; the faster you can level, the more toons you have to gear. So, something other than simple time played metrics has to be at work here.
Spot on.
Obviously more people are levelling alts, so that is still more time in game.
Baffling as to why they would funnel us.
Yep, the 120 rush a red herring. Many I think like me could care less at this point. the 120 ain’t crap. Welcome to the club…now do your true grinds. rep and gear.
Aww man I though I was done. 120 and a god!
Nope, grind player X, grind…
They need more 120’s. to fill the Warfronts. Arathi is “done” for many among those who said you know what…forging too chancy. We do arathi each cycle for the one 370+ run. that done, many like me are done.
the new darkshore one…this char did not spam this for mogs (as my gear is decently high for pure open world no dungeon/raid runs). RNG in darkshore would have to be unusually nice to me . I did my 370 run, saw the story and was done.
I will get the full darkshore mog set. 1 piece at a time every say 2 weeks on several 370 runs.
they need the fresh 120’s to hit this to keep up populations months down the road. Some purpose they aren’t saying…had them reduce/limit this.
Long before enough players “conform” to any “vision” they will just leave the game and go elsewhere. I already see WoW refugees by the dozen in ESO and FF14.
As servers continue to empty out, whoever is left might be enough to keep the servers online…
Yeah I completely understand how you feel about the professions. I don’t even bother making anything that requires me to run dungeons or raids to get the materials because my computer won’t let me. But even when it did I refuse to do that because it was ridiculous. Back during Wrath of the Lich King when I was raiding there were recipes that dropped only in raids but we could also sell those recipes in the auction house. So nobody was locked into having to raid to level their professions. I don’t get why blizzard chooses to the do this they really are cutting off their nose to despite their own faces because there are people that just like to play the auction house and just like to make gold they don’t even care about raidng or dungeons
“We are taking away more fun things, Merry Christmas!”
I used to respect you Ythisens…
Thank you. Hope there are ideas which help in comments. Small change>Gutting a way to play the game.
Always a good idea to wait for the raid to buff before pulling Aggro.