Attention: Fun was detected
Granted they have acknowledged that this wasn’t the best course or action, and will think of better ways… My goodness. Stop trying to mold this game in to how a select few think the players should play, and mold it to how the players want to play.
No players = no game.
What exactly is the problem with getting power leveled in the first place? If i can have 10 toons at max level I’m More likely to be playing at least one of them. Right now i have a few toons in the 112-117 level range and i can’t stand running all these quest zones again.
Nothing is wrong with people trying to level faster, it has created interaction between players and formed twink communities that are offering a service to help others. I regularly invite people leveling alts into my twink BG groups so they can bang out a few wins really quick for fee. Its fun for everyone and i make friends.
Let people have some of the freedoms we used to have. Yes people will complain either way you go, you cant avoid that. So the best option is always to let people have freedom, don’t restrict them to a narrow path.
Honestly don’t get where you guys keep getting this disdain for powerleveling wasn’t an issue for the last 10 years but now anything that speed thing along is a “no, no?”
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There could theoretically be only like 3 shards active for Argus content right now each filled with the 40 people. No one would know though simply because of how sharding works. No matter where you go, chances are you ARE going to run into quite a few people simply due to the nature of sharding.
Because more and more players have left the game and they have to extend the remaining players’ time spent in game to try to make up for some of those lost $$
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I think they’d be more successful if they just let people get their toons to level 120 in peace, since most players seem to be focused on endgame.
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Most? Hardly.
Many of us are here for many reasons; this game , even chopped to bits as it is, is still comprised of a fascinating online world, full of many things to do and enjoy.
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Releasing flight would bring a lot of players back off the edge… not that flight would fix anything, but it would make our “suffering” more endurable, even enjoyable.
And here everyone thought other games were going to be the wow killers lmao. It is going to be it’s own devs lol. So glad you are trying so hard to run what is left of this playerbase off lol. You guys are making EA look good at this point. Fun detected! Forget the nerf bat, lets get the sledgehammer lol.
You know, if you guys didn’t break character progression by making a lvl 110~115 character stronger than a 116~120 people wouldn’t do this.
WoW is the only game that you level past old content and get significantly weaker.
And now because of your own dumb decisions a game feature that isn’t being abused at all is going away and it’ll affect people who are not even related to this “issue” because you’re too lazy to find a proper fix (not that it’s necessary, this isn’t an issue, you guys are making it be).
And the devs, more and more, are putting those other things behind the content we’re “supposed” to be doing. We really are being put on rails, told what to do and how to do it, and now, how fast we’re allowed to do it. Our fun game is being lost in favor of a game built on “how the devs intend.”
I went through the entirety of MoP without touching an instance, outside of a handful of scenarios and a single run of Stormstout Brewery, so I absolutely 100% understand that endgame doesn’t have to be the overarching goal of a player. Never once felt I was missing out. Did my dailies, did my professions, fished, planted things on my little farm, had lots of fun. Was never bored or felt like I had to take up raiding.
Now? If my leatherworker wants to make anything beyond trivial greens, she needs to run mythic+ and raids. Even midrange blues require BoP mats locked behind instances, and the only thing I can take from this is that “how the devs intend” for everyone to play involves running mythic+ and raids.
If we can’t even enjoy worthwhile professions without falling into the endgame is only game mindset, because “how the devs intend” us to play is all about gearing up to run instances, how long can we expect the
to continue?
This fellow here gets it.
If we are not playing the game their way we are doing it wrong.
There should be a whole gamut of ways to achieve end goals in a game this vast.
Why does it matter if people power level their friends? At least they are playing together! Stop nerfing fun ways to level!
Should be pretty stoked one would think.
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How can we get this community to hate us more.
Blizzardd new motive.
That is the entirety of the “powerleveling with 110 twinks is an exploit”, right there.
To my mind, an exploit is taking advantage of something not intended to be in the game, not using something intended in a creative way.
If turning off XP was a bug? Sure, using that bug to lock a toon at 110 and power level other people’s characters would be an exploit.
If level 110s were supposed to be 10 levels weaker than 120s, and there was some bug making them gods in current content? An exploit, definitely.
If islands weren’t supposed to give experience, but some coding error left island mobs with XP? Sure, call it an exploit if you want, and expect Blizzard to fix it.
But Blizzard gave us the ability to lock our XP. Blizzard is responsible for the appalling scaling that makes 110s stronger than 120s. Both of those things are intended aspects of this system. Islands giving XP is an intended part of the system. Players grouping to do content is an intended part of the system.
You can’t turn players using intended parts of the system - not glitches, not hacks - into an “exploit” just because the devs decide to say, “But we didn’t mean for you to use it like THAT.”
Really, if the devs don’t like 110s power leveling friends in current content, they need to fix their poor design that makes a 110 stronger than a 120. And if they don’t want to fix that, they shouldn’t expect to punish customers for their own mistakes.
Allied race’s. We cant have folks getting their mighty morphin power ranger cosmetic pixels in just a day, or two lol.
Uhm… I have close to 700 dubloons on a toon which I use pretty much for expeditions and bgs. You may not like it, but the amount of time I’ve put into this toon is quite a bit. How are you going to tell me now that I have to abandon all the progress on it? It has a lvl 31 Azerite necklace. I have spent a LOT of time leveling it.
I am not even sure that telling you that I won’t play the game after this change is enough. THAT GOES WITHOUT SAYING. But this change takes away from me the progress in earning the currency earned towards buying account-wide items. I already have a 120 of the same class.
This isn’t just about you breaking my fun. It’s about you essentially taking away the progress I’ve made in leveling this twink. It’s as good as taking away gear because at higher levels all the gain on this character will not be as meaningful.
PS. I do get it that you are running a game based on allowing people to be sadistic towards each other. But it doesn’t mean that you should be sadistic towards your customers.
110 twink here. However you feel about twinks, a lot of work does go into these characters. Logging in and discovering that my XP had been turned back on (or worse, accidentally leveling up) would have killed the game for me in a heartbeat.
There are solutions to the particular “problem” (is it?) of twinks power leveling people to 120 that don’t require nerfing the twink, or as they suggested, removing them from the game altogether.
They could tune the scaling so that level ranges have less dramatic differences in strength. That would hurt me, but I think the majority of people want this.
They could reduce the amount of XP received by players who intentionally group with XPoff players. I actually quite like this idea; it does nothing to harm the twink except isolating them a bit. The experience of playing a twink is already quite isolated anyway, as you’re intentionally diverging from the mainstream content and limiting the number of people you might play with. It’s a solo endeavor, propped up by outside communities like forums and discord servers.
They can fix this without completely erasing a playstyle that, surprisingly, a lot of people are enjoying. I don’t hate BFA to the degree that most people do, but neither have I been a raider since Blackrock. Life and all that. Yet I have more fun enjoying the 110 content with the online community built around it than I do 120 progression, for many reasons. Don’t take that from me because some people discovered a way to make gold off of it.