Disabling XP Gains on 110+ Characters

That’s perfectly okay though, you’re helping a small indie dev company to continue to develop their product! :clown_face:


For their free to play game! How magnanimous. Buying a boost is the least we should do!

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EXACTLY! Thats the spirit! :upside_down_face:

You people should be ashamed of yourselves. Is it even possible for you to be more out of touch with your playerbase? Get over yourself before we all get over you.


I guess my question was more rhetorical than anything, and I was hoping for a response (that I know I’m never going to get) from the Powers That Be indicating that they care about the state of actual gameplay more than the amount of time players are spending repeating the same content ad nauseam.

If, as a game company, you have players using your existing game systems to make trivial content (like leveling alts) easier to the extent that you say “we’re seeing a trend”, it seems like it would make more sense to examine why you’re seeing that trend, because it might indicate a fundamental failing of the game itself.

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Translation: Oh yeah, we’re trying to LESSEN cancellations, not speed them along.

Seriously, stop with the Big Brothering over every aspect of how people play. If it’s an exploit, that’s one thing. But not everyone does and enjoys the exact same thing as everyone else, nor should they be forced to.


I see a lot of 110’s there.

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Yeah there sure are entire communities that do like collecting battle pets, transmogs, and mounts. However, you dont have to be max level to do any of those things. It just makes it a trivial and easy experience to do so.

My bet is that they could increase the life span of the game a long way by making it an experience where you had to progress through the content as a whole instead of patch by patch. I think this would make it easier for new players to get into the game, as well as have people go back and progress through older content.

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If they assume that, it would be more evidence that they are completely out of touch with the community. Twinking is a thing, has always been a thing, and is a large community.


Having old content relevant to me means that at max level I shouldn’t have an easy time soloing it. Like in Vanilla, being level 60 some classes even had a hard time soloing SM which had level 30-40 mobs.

I wish this type of difficulty style would be further implemented or looked into.

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No. They could increase the lifespan of the game where this was an option.


Gotcha, can see what you were aiming for now. :slightly_smiling_face:

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they would need to reduce the level cap and squish everything even further…

They are just numbers, it seems easy enough to decrease or increase the numbers by a percentage as seen necessary and still have the same feeling.

That being said, I know that scaling has not been implemented perfectly in the past.

This is an interesting dilemma. In particular, how they will differentiate the pvp versus the pve differences? Will they decide there to be any at all or if ,for example, will they just prevent all with xp-off to be on their own bracket? I look forward to the results.

Agreed. The fact that they think this is an issue in need of a solution says some really unfortunate things about their game design philosophy.

Not that we couldn’t already guess those things from statements like, “You think you do, but you don’t” and the insistence that we play through the game the way the devs intend us to play, rather than the way we find fun.

Wow. Replies like this do nothing to take away from the impression that WoW is being designed as a behavior modification simulator, rather than a game.


I don’t quite think (s)he meant it exactly as you’re saying it. Another noun could have been used, perhaps. But I do agree with what (s)he said.

Learned something new today… apparently running islands as a locked 110 = bad, but 120 groups afk for “free” rewards is ok? Interesting strategy - punish the people playing the game (even if its not as intended), give rewards to the people who log in and don’t play…priorities!

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It’s “unintended behavior” and in this game, you will only have Blizzard-authorized fun.


I’ll admit, being 110 felt powerful. As I went up in level and gear, there has been no feeling of progression nor feeling more powerful.

This is my first experience with transitioning to a new expansion and I figured that I’d start out weak against the new monsters, but I think that scaling ruined a sense of proper story progression or goals when all previous expansions were zone 1 < zone 2 < zone 3 in difficulty which I liked.

Now, i can just grind one zone indefinitely or close to it and not even stop into others. People were like, but you outlevel story.
This is why I thought that for those story purists, completionists, twinks, etc we had the option of XP off. Now, it seems like a new problem appeared they did not foresee with scaling and that is new content too hard for max, and too easy for 110.

I know it will not be a popular suggestion, but get rid of scaling. Give players the ability to chose how they level, heirlooms need to be buffed again.

If I CHOSE to one shot old content with heirlooms that should be my choice. I worked hard on buying the 3/3 gear.

If another person wants to stay in a zone and be on par with said content, stay in select BGs, raids, etc then let them turn off XP and let them not wear heirlooms.

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