Disabling XP Gains on 110+ Characters

You do not make an interesting end-game and it’s the fault of the players?
I have 11 chars, 8 of them are twinks level 119, three of them level 120, and two 120 I ended up forgetting to disable XP before reaching the 120… my bad.

I do not like the end-game, and now I’m going to have to play it. What fault do I have If I have more fun in level 119? I’m paying for the fun I want to have, not what you think is fun for me.

What are these imposed rules? Are we living in a dictatorial period?



No longer relevant, even though you are working on them. Even though while doing allied races in Legion zones, I ran into many 120s from both sides. The only thing making old content irrelevant is the individual. If you have nothing to do in old zones, they’re irrelevant, if you have things you want to do, they are completely relevant.

You are confusing this with cutting edge. You can still do absolutely everything in old zones, bar a few outliers. Obviously people aren’t going to be raiding (regularly) in old zones. People don’t even want to continue old raids in current zones once the new raid opens, unless people are trying to get mythic.

I don’t think you get to speak for everyone. I don’t mind going back to old content at max level, and the fact I see 120s all over the world, doing random things, I would guess there are more people that don’t mind it. I was in a guild with people that would wait until they were 80 to go back and do old raids, so they could 5 man old 40 man raids.

If you feel old content is irrelevant, that is completely a you problem, because there is more reason to go back than ever.

So you’re going to punish the entire bracket because a few people found a way to help level others? That makes sense. Most of the 110 community is just wanting to pvp the bracket. But now you want to castrate the entire bracket because you didn’t have the foresight to see that people would power level others in the island expeditions? That is ridiculous and you’ve just earned an unsub. I’ve played this game since launch and finally found something that I can do in this game to compliment my insanely busy schedule, and you’ve decided to take it away. What a lazy solution this is. I see you guys truly are all about money now. Well you’re not getting any more of mine.


OK…on the last Lore/Ion brofest they wanted feedback.

‘Tell us what sucks.’


If I want to twink, level by fishing, or godforbid farm gold by picking pockets on a rogue…then let me do my thing.

Your SUCKY INTERVENTIONS do more harm than good.

Do your job:

  1. Introduce allied races as promised…you know like on the expansion highlights and selling points.

  2. Either make old content stable and quit nerfing it (rogue pickpocketing, rep farms etc) or quit calling the last patch ‘new content’ and forcing us back to there for lame rep grinds.

  3. FIX SHAMAN…OMFG…how many more excuses do we need to hear/be ignored?

  4. Bring back the cow level /moo moooo moo moo moooo…oh wait wrong game.

/grumpydwarfmodeoff /hivemindengaged


We shouldn’t be giving them ideas like this. Although I think the players could come up with a better story-line for this game than the current crop of developers have. I miss the day when gamers made the game for the love of the game. I would hug the stuffing out of Metzen if he decided to come back.


I like grumpy dwarfmode don’t change it. I might be a belf, but I have grumpywarlock mode it’s a lot like grumpy dwarfmode but I don’t drink as much beer.

Are you serious blizzard the only thing I do now is 119 pvp because I’m so bored, and you’re taking that away from me because of level 110s? Seriously considering unsubbing for a long long time with this nonsense


This is not an exploit. I haven’t seen a single ad in trade chat by players providing this “service”. Twink powerleveling ads were ubiquitous during Legion. Were you playing the game then? Are you even playing it now?

I mean, since you don’t seem to be aware of anything but what the devs used as their lame excuse for removing this game feature.

Flying is fun. If you hate fun so much that it bothers you that other people might be having fun and you need to pretend they’re not, that’s a you problem. Aversion to other people having fun in a videogame is a very odd thing. Maybe you should get help with that.

If you want the game to be no fun so that people won’t play it, you’re doing it right. Right now the only people who find BfA to be fun are twinks. That says a lot more about game design than anything else.

Nobody is playing BfA now. They aren’t meeting their metrics. They are desperate.

And apparently you see yourself as one of them. How cute!


Stopping power levelling would make sense if there was actually anything to gain through the levelling process. Since there isn’t, is there really a problem? More people at max lvl is theoretically better for the game is it not? Lol


It really does, I didn’t upgrade any of my gear on the first toon I leveled because of the gear scaling. Even now it takes as long in my 350-370ish gear to kill quest mobs as it did when I was 110 what’s the point of improving my gear if it makes no difference.


First of all- this blue post is disengenuous. You broke scaling to the point where everyone loses power at 115 and any sense of progression that came with it. And you broke scaling deliberately to make toons take longer to level and play the game as a hidden form of time gating. So many players are stalling toons at 115 (as I planned to do with mine) simply to avoid falling into the pit of despair.


I’m sick of idiot developers making this game bring back old blizzard!


I dont know whether to laugh at this post or pity it. I never used this option nor planned on doing it, but its funny to see how out of touch a developer can be with its playerbase.


I imagined this occurring in a Titan-themed dungeon featuring dialogue from Brann…

Oh yeah sure, I cant speak for everyone but of course you do with your comments.

I know for a fact that there are an entire community of players who want to experience the old content as it was back then. This is one of the reasons why we are getting classic WoW back because it gives a sense of progressive accomplishment. The experience of level 60-70 mobs having more hp than the ones in legion content is not enjoyable and doesnt provide the sense of character progression as you level. This is part of the complaints from the player base. You probably didnt have this experience based off of your comments and stigma.

I got my allied reps from Argus back when they were announced in legion when it was relevant and not just a trivial experience of boosted rep gains and one shotting mobs. The only incentive I have to go back to do old content is for transmog. Heck, I am still waiting for the Kul Tirin and Zandalar races to be avaulable that they marketed were going to be playable at launch. If argus did not have any allied races attatched to it, you can bet my bottom dollar that there would be less than a handful of people going there, minus traveling to the raid.

People don’t want to continue old raids because they make the progression so bad you can literally skip entire tiers worth of content, come in 3/4 the way through the expansion on patch 8.2.5 and literally have top gear within a week or two. This gives no sense of progression and Blizzard do this for an easy sense of entitlement for the snowflakes to tell their parents at dinner over.

I think you enjoy going back to old content because you one shot mobs and that makes it an easy experience for you. However, not everyone enjoys that playstyle.

That’s the problem right there, like I highlighted “help others level more quickly”. They want us to adhere to w/e twisted time gating metric (which you’ve even said in your reply).

It doesn’t spectacularly fail to answer anything, sometimes the simplest answer is the correct one and that seems to be “if you’re going fast, you’re playing the game wrong”. :upside_down_face:

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I think they just have stats on how many people have XP turned off and made the assumption they were ALL people who made twinks to power level others.

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And some people do like it. I want speaking for everyone, just the people that like to play a certain way. In fact, you’re the one coming in hot with words like “all,” “everyone,” and “entire.” Here’s one for you, there are entire communities that love transmog, battle pets, and mounts, most of which is in old content, and something I’m sure many, if not all, are happy to be at max level doing. You are making it irrelevant for yourself, no one else.

Not according to Blizzard… elsewise why would you have to play Legion to unlock ARs, and through all old content to level an AR?

You see it used to be the case that old content was just that – old content – not relevant and that the real game was current content (which makes it all the more irritating that you can’t fly in it).

But because BfA is light on original content and very heavily dependent on old content, “all content is relevant” is Blizzard’s new claim.

Unless you pay 60 dollars, then you can level in an instant

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