Long range execute was brutal. Lovex my ret back then
A better answer, if extremely unsatisfying from a player perspective. Although honestly I think (personal opinion here, I have no data to back this up) that people who are capping multiple alts are the players who are more likely to remain subbed over time, using those high-level characters to farm materials and BoEs to sell, provide more utility for their raid teams, or bring a more varied bench to their PvP.
I’m not sure I like the direction the game is going if this kind of “punish the players to increase our bottom line” mentality is going to continue. I’m not going to doom-and-gloom and say “WoW is dying”, but it really doesn’t feel like the same game I was drawn into back in Cata anymore, and that makes me kind of sad.
I had decided a couple of nights ago to take one of my 110s to Draenor and then Legion to grind out Pathfinders there since I missed all/most of those expansions. I was planning on freezing her experience so I can come back to BfA. This is disappointing.
Been playing this game for over 10 years and I am very disappointed hearing this 110 twink news. My 110 twink is the only fun part of the game right now, I don’t enjoy my main in BFA. If you took away the ability to play my 110 twink I would probably quit the game again. I love running islands on this character, even though they are a bit different now. I hate running islands on my main who is a healer. This allows me to have a character which I don’t have to run end game content to gear up to do what I enjoy.
Nobody wants to have to go back to do old content at level max level. Especially with a bad scaling system in place that provides a run down and watered, half-azz shell experience of what it used to be.
That entire philosophy and mind set is the reason old expansions are no longer relevant to the current game.
So I shouldn’t buy BfA at all then? Got it.
Oh, y’all might want to rethink the “players helping other players level faster is bad” mantra that you’ve been doing for two expansions now. The previous devs knew that it was a good thing, and the game used to be a lot better for it. If someone wants to level faster - or help someone else level more quickly - let them.
Also, I’d love to be able to help low level people again, but that’s a pipe dream now, isn’t it? The old devs intentionally changed it so that we could help lowbies without hurting their xp and y’all removed it. Thankfully, one of your biggest competitors has a mentor program built into the game, so I’ll get my helping others fix that way.
I tell ya, every time I come to these forums, there’s more bad news for the players. Every. single. time.
I appreciate that they changed their mind on the decision quickly just because there are people who use 110 for farming materials and other things like that.
The biggest issue is we’re now kinda built in this world because if we want things to scale with level so we can level where ever we choose, we also have the ability for people to stay in god level stats from the end tier with legendary armor. So at this point, do we like the way leveling is or having the world scale enough to live in a world where being at 110 with prior raid tiers makes you more effective for the time being?
And I guess they could make gear scale harder to slow people down, but then, people just start banking gear and it feels like there’s no incentive to improve.
We could go back to the way things were and have areas scale from place to place at max level, but I’m sure there would be some janky stuff from that too. Not to mention, I know I enjoy leveling different routes with the new system. Maybe in a perfect world, you chose which areas to go to each time and that would dictate the levels of those areas and beyond. But then people can’t group with lower level friends for helping them with questing.
At the end of the day, I think the changes they made with scaling so you can play with friends and not just go through mobs like a flaming chainsaw through butter has been an improvement. As far back as the game has been in existence there has always been janky ways to bypass the leveling system with carrys from higher levels in dungeons, farm spots, or having a high level healer outside of the party healing you while you trash a bunch of mobs.
People have always wanted to just rush to the end with their characters and hit max level because that’s where most of the engaging and challenging content sits. That being said, I also know that our community is one where if they put in a free boost system, no strings attached that boosted any class/race combination you wanted to max level. People would then complain about the item level they started at with their free max level characters.
I’ve levered every class to 110 before they put in all the changes to make it significantly easier to level characters, so to me, it was never really a challenge. And since I can do the leveling experience from 110-120 in less than a day. (I can’t remember the hours off hand.) That part of the community who feels compelled to find every way imaginable to level as quick as possible feels distant to me as well.
People blame blizzard and say the game isn’t entertaining and that’s why, but to frank, I believe most of it stems from us as a community as a whole. If world of warcraft allowed you to level 10x faster by slamming your hand in a cupboard door via usb attachment to meter it. People would be breaking their hands just to get stuff done faster.
They can release the most engaging, replayable amazing storyline in the world with interesting quests and challenges, and people will still choose the fasted in lieu of the most enjoyable path. There’s all kinds of people who enjoy this game in multiple ways, and we have to accept that one part of that community is just in it to hit max level as soon as possible in whatever way possible that is.
So what is the solution? There really isn’t one at this point unless they’re willing to either split the community into those that like scaling and leave it, and deal with janky mechanics as they come. Or, put it back to the way it was for many years before hand. But this game is getting a lot of toggles trying to please as many communities as possible and I don’t know how sustainable it is.
in other words you dont want to lose Subs so your changing your mind to keep them playing
Completely irrelevant to the conversation. Games that have “0 hours to endgame” are not MMORPGs. If you want “0 hours to endgame” stick to fortnite.
You know, its getting hard to not wear a tin foil hat here in regards to the discussions about activision controlling blizzard. I’m not entirely sure whats going on at blizzard and how their philosophies seemed to have changed so much but if you really think about it – its kind of heartbreaking to see a titan in the industry fall. I say its heartbreaking because millions of people around the world love the worlds you’ve created and yet now it seems very clear by posts just like this one that your agenda has changed. I understand that blizzard is running a business but it seems as you guys get more and more greedy(Activision?), it only turns us fans away.
I wish I could easily recollect and post here all of the “fun” non-game-breaking changes you guys have proposed or gone through with in the past 2 years. I assure you the list would be very long. This change that you proposed is completely unnecessary and its not even 1/10th as popular as twink dungeon runs from legion. These twink island expedition runs really dont save people THAT much time in leveling. However twink dungeon runs in legion were a huge time saver. All of the sudden you guys have a problem with it? Too big of a coincidence with how your stock is performing.
You guys nerfed dungeon exp before BFA with running an alt through ramparts multiple times. Why? Why was this a necessary change. I understand that there are people out there that think the leveling is too fast but there are a huge amount of people that have been playing this game for 14 years and leveling characters takes too long. If your goal is to get the players to “play longer” than let us use the methods we have found to level faster. Stop nerfing what people find fun. If players don’t want to level this way then they can just queue for a normal dungeon or quest.
they dont want people to lvl fast, its why they also nerfed RAF from 300% to 50%
One solution is to realize that the reward in character power is funadmentally broken and the current state of your talent tree system is also unrewarding.
Someone shouldn’t feel more powerful at 110, that ultimately your problem and not the problem of those stopping xp gains.
How about adding at least another row of talents like what used to happen with xpacks and make them powerful, give an incentive to want to be higher level to unlock them. Then take a hard look at your scaling numbers, they are obviously off.
Leveling in Kara? Nerfed.
RAF exp nerfed after YEARSSSSSSSSS
Potions with EXP similar to RAF? No longer drop after years of being in game.
List goes on and on.
I’m so glad I got to level 1 guy with that bonus. How fun it was
Its looking like, if tall choose to do this your going to loose a lot of people, I’ve been playing since vanilla and I was 15, that’s been 14 years of subs that iv played and I’m sure that other people around a million will end there subs as will I. So I suggest that yall not do this or one of the biggest games will end on the day you fix something that doesn’t need to be fixed in the way that yall are thinking about. There’s a saying (all good things must end) but I hope it’s not as soon as yall have stated it would be.
What do people actually want to accomplish when they queue bg’s at lower level? They want to level. I know I do because I want an alternative to questing and dungeons. This is so much fun for me, and I don’t care if we lost. The only concern for me is the XP gain when losing a match. I say XP gains should be the same either win or lose, and boost the item rewards for winners.
As far as I know you can get marks of honor at lower levels as well - that is what I was going to do on my lvl 19 twink - farm those but I am not interested in having a 20 minute queue time.
Its called BfA grouped CONTENT, and XP off in Legion. Easy enough, PERIOD. ALL BfA grouped content XP on. Solo, you can keep it off if farming.
How about you people just realize that grinding out levels to do current content sucks, particularly after you do it once “to experience it”. Perhaps you should grant an account-wide experience buff for every character at max level… like 20% for each character?
Grinding levels is tedious as hell. I definitely DON’T think “oh sweet I get to enjoy spending hours going from 110 to 120… again”. Having world quests be the same quests as you did when leveling compounds the “suck” aspect, by the way, but that’s an entirely different argument.