Disabling XP Gains on 110+ Characters

Dude looking at your gear. Mad jealous. I would really love to get into some mythic Antorus runs but never got any experience during legion. Maybe on my 120 pally I can build up that experience. Ideally I would really love that on my 12 characters I could get max ilvl on their artifacts. Would be a nice ending to such a great expansion.

So you use the portal pants for your build for running old content? I had just accidentally dinged my warlock to 111 after the patch. Was using the crafted shoulders to get a bit of movement speed, along with terribly scaled drain life tags. But though I would like to play a warlock at 120. Want to get back into playing casters since they are in such higher demand for heroic and above content on my server.

It clearly affects their bottom line. They must have some data to suggest that people who get their alts to cap quickly often unsub and wait for the next patch, and they want that rollover subscription.

Well I was about to go buy BFA but if this kinda change is coming before i even get a chance to finish legion while still in its targeted level range i guess that just means i can continue to hold of on buying the xpac… sad. makes me glad i didnt upgrade yet for once.


I guess those who don’t like leveling aren’t normal people? If that’s the case, most people aren’t very normal.

Not the truth. Higher legion content is still scaled relatively well (antorus). Lower legion content was stat squished AND so was Wod/MoP way before this recent squish (first stat squish came in wod pre-patch). They didn’t do this to prevent people from playing it (although it certainly does that), they did it because numbers were getting too high and they had to do something about that, albeit not so efficiently.

What? Yeah you can stay in it, at least for now. They aren’t doing anyone any favors. The people who don’t want to do legion content will just level through. The people who do want to can lock their xp. They’re only dissatisfying those who decided to play legion content over BFA. BTW Legion was much more enjoyed by players than BFA currently is. Your personal opinion doesn’t negate overall opinion.

Why nerf something? Why not just buff the other things to match it? You would be cutting variety out of people’s leveling choices. I’m glad you’re not in charge.


It’s working as intended.

I think you’re on to something there, all of blizzard is run by RNG now.
That explains a lot.

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You did something wrong here, that’s not my quote…

Yeah I replied to you but decided to add in the quote from the other guy, lol. Guess their system doesn’t detect that so well

Yeah, it’s a pain, at least from my phone. No worries.

Fixed it lol

How are they going to sell 120 boosts if people are lvling too fast?!


They don’t sell 120 boosts, what are you talking about. 110 boost is the highest available. 120 boosts likely won’t be available until the follow on xpac is about to launch.

Right now people buy 110 boosts, than pay to be power leveled through expeditions.

And why exactly is that a problem? Maybe some folks don’t want to level their characters beyond the content they are playing and enjoying. Isn’t that -entirely- why the XP lock was put in the game (ie: twinks)?

This seems incredibly dumb and a waste of time when there are plenty of actual game breaking issues and balancing to be addressed. Quit micromanaging everyone’s freaking play style.


How exactly is this a problem?

You can’t relive lower-level content once you’ve exceeded the level so this is not accurate information. You can only freeze your progress. At 120, I can’t go back and relive WoTLK content unless it is a TimeWalking week.

Also, lets talk Player Agency… What if I, as a player, already have a 120, and completely bored with the current content and don’t want to level another character through the never-ending grind but I want to help my friends? This decision denies me the freedom to make this choice.

This is not appropriate. Players have spent gold to turn the feature off. Will you be refunding them the gold that was spent since Blizzard is unilaterally making the decision to ignore player choice as far as character development and forcing them into a state of existence that is contrary to their expressed intent?


Whatever, solution they come up with, I hope they take into consideration it is far better for twinks to run these people through island expeditions than to have others running island expeditions carry them for free.

I actually stopped running normal expeditons because I get sick of people in green legion gear at 117 being totally useless in these.

I would like to suggest you increase incursion xp significantly to let people level faster in those and nerf the xp given in island expeditions so you solve the ‘free’ carry problem in island expeditions.

I run portal pants for world PVP. Once you get mythic antorus gear, you can 1v1 most 120s pretty easily. Double portal is just icing on the cake giving me a ton of escape and chase opportunities. I mainly do instanced PVP though, so my legos are mostly stat sticks.

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That arguement holds no water. My level has nothing to do with the point I’ve made. Old content can be done at 120. Looks like you’re just going to have to deal with it, or take your entitlement elsewhere.

With the sh-storm this announcement created I assume the real fix will be a stealth hotfix, probably nerfing IE exp.

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I think that is what they need to do - however, they also should be increasing incursion xp to make up for that.

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