How about fix the scaling issue instead? This isn’t a people problem, it’s a scaling problem and it doesn’t just resonate with island expeditions.
Thank you for acknowledging this wasn’t the best option, and delaying the implementation of this decision! Really appreciate you listening!!
nice i sure do love BETA FOR AZEROTH feels great to get weaker as you gain levels very fun concept
Wait. What? Why is turning off xp gains in order to help other players level more quickly a problem? Am I missing something here? I fail to see an issue with this from any standpoint aside from possibly boosting a “total hours played” metric which otherwise has no bearing on the game itself.
What exactly is the logic behind this move?
Sigh. Forum posters can never really see the bigger picture. Blizzard has to do this, it’s abuse of the system. Leveling 110-120 is absolutely not broken, it’s a joke compared to MoP’s leveling. They already gave us Island expeditions which are about 3x or 4x faster than dungeon crawling, questing with crazy xp, incursions, etc.
I banged out 118-120 in 2 hours the other night, that is not excessive time at all. I remember MoP leveling which took like a week per level, it was nuts. I’m really glad Blizzard fixed that.
I really hope some other method is used instead of just flat out disabling the exp switch.
I turned my experience off so I could go back and farm rep and quests with out the headache of one-shot everything.
Even at 110 I have to rely on res sickness when it comes to having to damage a mob to a certain percentage before being able to get credit towards the quest.
I get there is a problem, but disabling the experience toggle for level 110 an above does not seem like the best choice.
Yes, on my level 120 hunter I could not complete the quests that require you to damage a mob to a certain % of health with out one-shotting the mob. I have also taken all my gear off my level 110 and even then I am still required to die and use res-sickness to complete some quest objectives.
Don’t tread on me.
Very interesting set you’ve got going there. You do bgs or paid carries?
Bolded and italicized the answer to the question.
Can’t level too fast anymore, messes with whatever time table they want us to stick to!
Metallica’s not happy with you now.
I think you’re missing the big picture, that being it causes more good than harm. People are enjoying it, whereas they would not if this was changed.
Also, there’s nothing to be gained other than saving time through leveling to 120 faster. You’re not getting anything that’s going to give you advantage over other 120s.
There’s also extra hurdles for those who decide to be power-leveled. That hurdle being the gold it would cost them (gold costs time/money) to pay for the runs. Why is this being factored out?
Play smarter, not harder. As mentioned above, 101s were MUCH more efficient than this, yet nothing was done about them during legion. Nobody seemed to care. If you didn’t have the gold, you couldn’t pay for the runs. If you did, then you could. It wasn’t free (typically; I was nice enough to run people for free occasionally).
I probably should have for the past few months. This was my main in legion but I’ve since switched to my paladin. Been wanting to get back in IEs, but if this goes through which it probably will (meaning experience off buff disappears in bfa content), then this character will stay as a speed alt.
I get 180% movement speed with bone shield. Probably could do a unholy mastery build for great speed but again I’m too lazy and prefer how blood plays.
I’m fairly new to BFA, and I did a couple island expeditions and was bored out of my mind.
Maybe instead of messing with the XP lock system, they should make island expeditions fun.
Right on. The last time I was able to hit 180 movespeed was in Wod. Great job! Nice to see people playing 110 twinks for something besides powerleveling. F*ck those guys, we dont deserve to be dragged down with them!
I have a theory why islands exist the way they do. After this announcement yesterday, I actually took time to make a script on what I wanted to say. Hopefully I can record a my first video about wow and put in on YouTube.
It is being changed, so people will decide if they enjoy leveling like normal people or not. If people stayed 110 just to jack other player’s XP, then yeah, that’s abuse. If you stayed in 110 for “legion content” then… well you’re not being honest because…
Look Legion content was destroyed in the pre-patch for BfA. Almost all of the fun systems it had are beyond recognition or simply disabled. Clearly Blizzard wanted Legion to completely go away, unlike other xpacs like MoP and WoD, which are still useful (for good or bad, that’s the truth).
Legion was hit so hard that they are doing you a favor to not allow you to stay in it. It’s bad.
If I were in charge of this, I’d actually nerf expeditions and questing hardcore and buff dungeons - they should be encouraging people to dungeon more imo.
And scaling is not broken - I have 7 level 120s and every one made it there really, really easily.
That spectacularly fails to answer the question.
Helping someone level more quickly does not affect the game or the game balance in any discernible fashion. All it does is increase the number of high-level characters. This is not a problem.
As I said, it seems like this is only being considered a “problem” because it decreases whatever arbitrary “time played” metric they’re looking for, not because it affects game balance in any way.
Scaling is broken guys do we fix it? Nah, lets implement a fix that punishes players and removes even more choice in how they play the game.
Do the devs use a magic 8 ball to make their decisions because I can’t image a lot of thought goes in to some of these decision lately.
You DEVs just mad because Lore looked like a dumpster mess on the last Q&A. Seriously though, he did look like a dumpster mess. All giggles aside. The subs are wobbling and folks CLEARLY aren’t happy with the BfA content… Why mess with something that’s giving folks some joy and keeping them around? To what? Lose more subs? Go fix something else that’s broken.
LOREMASTER Aehl, lol i have way more achieves than you - but not everything is about you; surprise. People like leveling - I like it I have a server full of max levels.
The real problem is lack of new classes. But yeah youre wrong im right