Disabling XP Gains on 110+ Characters

You are wrong. To quote the NPC Slahtz himself,

“There are some who desire to stop gaining experience from their actions; to forever remain at the level of strength they are now, and never grow stronger.”

Nothing there discusses your supposed intent; he just turns off XP for 10 gold.

You would think with how abysmal your sub numbers are right now, you’d be thankful that anyone would want to play this garbage, including those that want to either twink island expeditions or power level through them.

Your hubris is breath-taking. Seriously, you developers need to wrap your heads around this concept: You make a game for people to have fun playing. You cannot dictate fun. No matter how hard you try.

Players :clap: do :clap: not :clap: like :clap: being :clap: told :clap: how :clap: to :clap: have :clap: fun.

I will be shocked if this game survives this current dev team. You all need coached, reprimanded, expelled or replaced. Immediately.


You know sometimes what is unintended makes the game a lot more fun than what blizzard intends. They need to start rethinking their approach to things.

If people are doing unintended things because they find it more fun - they need to be fixing the things they intend people to do instead of just stopping people from finding their own fun in the game.


Why wouldn’t you just disable islands for 110 characters?

Exactly my friend. Exactly.


But, it’s not rule-breaking, is it? This is just an overbearing development team that feels the need to dictate every facet of our gameplay, isn’t it? Doesn’t that feel the least bit condescending to you?


“increasing trend of players turning off XP gains at level 110”

I am leveling my alts, because leveling them is more fun than playing BfA right now. I have 4 at level 100 (and I will use a 110 boost for my future Zandalari Druid, making it 5), and I am planning to get their class mounts. I am locking alts at 110 because some Class Campaings demands dungeon runs, and if I reach 111, I cannot queue using Dungeon Finder for Legion dungeons. So I lock them until I get the Class Mount. With the XP boost, this is even worst. Never ever before I felt compelled to lock XP in any character to finish content, especially if we have a scaling tech.

I do not want to bother other people to make a group to help me in a old dungeon run. I do not care if I have to stay in a queue for 30 minutes for that dungeon using Dungeon Finder. But I really dislike having to level to 120 to finish a 110 content because I just leveled to 111.


Right, however, they found this behavior to be unacceptable. Accidents happen and sometimes it becomes a feature. They don’t want this behavior to be the best way to level alts.

I agree in defense of Blizzard for this. However, they still need to find a better way to fix the issues they are trying to resolve.

Nope, nope and nope. I don’t buy into this argument.

Why stop there? :thinking:
Remove XP-Locking completely, if people at 110 or higher can’t have it, obviously the lower levels don’t deserve it either. :sunglasses::ok_hand:


Very well said.

Awesome change, Blizzard.

It is rule-breaking? Or, you just don’t like it. There’s a disturbing trend of people who think they can tell others how to enjoy this game (it started with Pathfinder, and seemingly has no limit).

The sandbox style game only works if you don’t kick sand in the face of the other people in the sandbox with you.


And they just noticed this now ? When people were leveling with twinks all throughout legion and they didn’t say a thing about it.

They really, really need to look at why people are doing these things and make the things people are avoiding more fun. Their ‘solutions’ are just driving people away from the game.


Doubleplus good, comrade!

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I cant even tell you how ignorant this is to all the players who jump through all the hoops every expansion and explain to blizz why something is broken or why a certain dps class will be benched or why a certain class is broken op and it 95% gets ignored. If you’re the casual player then maybe you dont participate in that aspect or dont frequent the PTR forums. If you did you’d get a good laugh. Either they are pushing out content too fast to polish or they arent reading the feedback they do get. Either way its poor and unacceptable.

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It’s becoming too popular. They stay patient with it, but if it gets too popular they feel the need to intervene. (They do this in high-end PVE content a lot.)

Nope, not rule-breaking. I’m indifferent to this change, I just dislike how it solves one issue and creates another.

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You’re not looking at the bigger picture. It may not be that they “just noticed now” but Activision Blizzard are pushing Blizzard Entertainment to do more and more for less and less money and resources. I work in an organization similar to theirs and when your parent company’s demands are the same, you have to work with what you’ve got.

There may be things needing fixed that are not as simple to do as some people might think. While we may think “pfft, this could be changed today!” may required weeks or more of actual design/coding.

EDIT: To expand upon the “just noticed now”. I’ve had people in my organization say things similar when a change gets made. “Well it’s been this way for years, why is it all the sudden a problem?” Those status-quo fallacies are often not easy to answer. Sometimes, they’re not the lowest hanging fruit, but they are hanging.

I turned off XP for my 110 mage, because I intended to level my 110 tank DK through island expeditions. However, by level 113 on my DK, I noticed it was taking me longer to kill things, and I was squishier, despite gaining three levels.

I wanted to farm island expeditions for pets. So, to any Blizzard apologists here, tell me, what seems more logical: Farm island expeditions at level 110, when I’m stronger and don’t die as often, or farm them at higher level, when every fight is a struggle, and I’m significantly weaker in the same content I was doing, just at a higher level?

It’s not the people turning off XP that are wrong. It’s developers who can’t implement scaling correctly, and wish to actively punish players who don’t want to deal with a broken system.

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Easy fix, disable legendaries and artifacts if you are in a premade group for bfa dungeons. Random solo still would allow.

It was far far more popular in legion. I rarely see people advertising twink carries on trade chat this expansion - I actually don’t recall seeing even one. Yet last expansion almost daily twink carries were being advertised.

You can quest about 12 quests per level, it’s the easiest thing to do by far this game has ever offered, 110-120 levelling.

Well for me it is my 111 dh can pull and kill 10 mobs and skin them without much risk of dying. My 120 360 ilvl feral can pull three and they are lucky if they don’t die.

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