Disabling XP Gains on 110+ Characters

If level boosting is such a problem, then remove the $60 one from the in-game Blizz shop, Ythisens, you hypocrite.


Touché =|====>

i spent over 40 hours to get my 300 azerite .they would be taking something away.
i did come up with an idea leave the system alone…

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Exploit. That is what they call it when a player uses their system to benefit themselves in a way Blizzard didn’t count on. That’s what an exploit is. Why do people not know what that word means?

Yes, I understand how mythic gear works. That’s why I said some characters can get as high as 275. I am maths good.

Good for you.

Good for them.

I didn’t say to take anything away. I said to institute a scaling system for players who enter BfA dungeons and scenarios to keep them from overpowering it. They can continue to take down Legion content all they want. I believe the point is they shouldn’t be able to steamroll a BfA instance by themselves while the content is still current (just as legacy loot doesn’t kick in until you are 11 levels higher than the instance). I do not think it’s right that my 246 DK can solo every BfA dungeon. However, I would still like to keep the gear that I “worked hard for” so I can run open world content and PvP like a bawss.

Don’t tell Blizz what ppl are doing over in D3…….

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We spent over 10 years without getting weaker each time we gained a level, this is a fairly new (and silly) concept, I don’t see how it was ever a requirement to happen.

Heck, at this point, it seems like they don’t like the “leveling system” but people in the fancy chairs just don’t have the cojones to move away from it. They have already been pushing a gear ilvl system with the WQ that does what leveling supposed.

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Did you do 101 twinking in Legion?

I ask because 101s with most traits on their artifact and 840-880 gear were absolutely DESTROYING dungeons. Nothing even CLOSE to what a 110-111 can do today in Bfa.

My 101 could clear a normal dungeon in maybe 6mins. I knew 101s who could do it in 2-3 mins.

The way they are doing dungeons now quickly is skipping bosses and that is unintended and probably should be fixed.

There is no “unintended” or “didn’t count on” argument as they knew that was happening with 101s and didn’t do anything to stop it. They could have made 840+ gear be 110 lvl req, they didn’t.

Azerite could be 120 lvl req too, but they didn’t. And with Azerite for good reason, it is like the old traits we had on artifacts, just not as good.

I personally do not do Bfa dungeons. I do IEs. And if IEs are hard with 110s AND hard with 120s, that’s just another step to me unsubbing. If IEs were easy with a 370 geared 120 like they are with a 110, I would only really use the 110 for legion stuff, tmog farming and pvp.

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It’s the final count downnnnnnnn,
De do de doooooo de do de do do

You realllly should have locked this thread after posting that, as you can see…

Even tho they reverted their decision on this, it still shows just how much effort they putt into their choices.

“Hey, lets screw over EVERYONE (who disables exp) due to a handful of people twinking and carrying people through Island expeditions”

whats this? blizz doing the right thing?

is it opposite day???

So having mythic gear you earned during legion, which makes you way OP in any content, is an exploit, and everyone who ever had mythic gear should be forced from the game and permabanned for the crime of mythic raiding.

Listen to yourself. Why don’t you just shut down the game to prove you can get rid of everything you might want to in the future redesignate as an exploit if it’s more convenient than FIXING THE DAMNED GAME?


There is no “issue” to approach. Stop making issues out things that aren’t an issue.


Why does this feel like a PVE punishment for PVP actions? This has been a constant source of frustration for the PVE player base for 10+ years now. A problem is seen in PVP where 110s with legendaries are entering war mode and devestating 120s in raid gear. Now for the 120s in raid gear, that’s not very fun. I think this is far more prevalent than a level locked 110 running 119s through dungeons to power level them. But instead of saying “hmm we might have messed up with the scaling of not only PVE but also PVP” they claim that its a miniscule number of PVE players to blame.

Unfortunately Blizzard feels now completely controlled by Activision. This is not the Blizzard I knew and loved anymore. Before you know it you’ll see patch “season passes” to unlock raid content mid expansion.


Just make it that a person that is in a group with someone that has xp turned off gets a lower amount of xp.


Really i don’t see the big gripe about it, its being exploited and hurts sales of boosts. Blizz put it in the game they should be able to take it out of the game as well.

You guys go too far with your territorial ownership complaints.

It’s the players that ruin the game not Blizzard.

Exploits aren’t fun and this ‘fun detection’ argument is why no one believes it when people pretend that flying is fun and not an absolute convenience.

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I have literally no idea what you are talking about that this was found to be an “exploit” of some sort. My XP is turned off at 110 on 2 of my 110 characters because I do not WANT to venture into BFA at this time as I still have tons of work to do in Legion.

I came to Legion in the last 6 months of it’s life. I am not READY to move into BFA territory and I think it is extremely underhanded of Blizzard to FORCE me into doing so. I have my own reasons for not outleveling Legion to 111 and that is my ability to be able to queue for dungeons/raids if I choose to. I still have a ton of dungeon/raid quests that will pull me OUT of group finder if you force me into 111.

Bad form Blizz, I am extremely angry about this change.


Imagine, and I know this is crazy, if level 110s were not exponentially more powerful than higher level characters! What a world that would be!


It’s unintended behavior.

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Good work, we’re really addressing the real issues. People complaining about M+ keystone deletion going away are just whining about nothing. /s