I’ll take flying at max level please.
1000th post
This has got to be one of the most foolish changes I’ve ever seen in my 10+ years of playing. Do not do this. I want to keep some of my myriad characters at 110 so that I don’t have to force myself to level through your awful experience to 120 and the annoying gear grind after that. I have done this for years with every expac. I have several 110s with xp paused for this very reason. Because I want to be able to continue to do holiday content with them or farm gear in old or legion content without having to worry about being demolished because I haven’t hit the new cap or geared in the new cap. And because yes, unlike in Legion it isn’t fun, easy or rewarding to level or gear.
Punishing your players with bad experiences then trying to force them even harder into those bad experiences is not a good recipe. People are going to quit, I may quit if I’m forced to level all my 110s to 120 or get them stuck at 112-116 with no longer good gear and an experience of being beaten to death by normal mobs because of incidental experience gains that force me to level.
How about you fix the real problems here instead of angering more of the dwindling player-base? This expansion is not a success, doubling down on failure only ensures more failure, more resentment at the out-of-touch nature of the devs and an alienated player-base. I was going to make some holiday purchases in the store both for myself and friends but now? Bad behavior will not be rewarded monetarily or otherwise. Keep going down this track of angering and frustrating the people who pay to keep your lights on and see what happens. I’ll be spending my holiday gifting through other avenues for people I know. And if you force me to engage with content I don’t find interesting (hint: I’ve actually been happy enough to just do old content and RP right now but if you take away the ability to do old content entirely… I may no longer find this game worth my time… the magic has been dwindling for a while and you’re trying your hardest to drown this relationship blizz).
I wish Swtor came out right now, and not back in 2008, I would like to experience that game anew instead of BfA.
Hope you can swim cause the xp is coming. Baby thrall told me so. The change is most likely being forced because players wont stop abusing the nature of the stat scaling with legion legendaries. So either they turn xp on or nerf stats. Either way something’s going down and you have only the exploiting entrepreneurs to blame.
more like 1012, but nice try
HOW IS IT AN EXPLOIT? if an item has high stats it = more power…it isnt abuse wtf
blizzard will not tell us the actual reason they want to turn off xp
they want you to buy wow tokens
they want you to quest
they want you to level their way
idk im not in marketing
At this point, they cant just “lock 110 locked characters” out of the content cause soo many people have full 300 set gear on a 110 because they did all the questing, the downsides are… 110 bgs? unplayable if you arent a twink, if you get into one and alliance have 4 twinks horde have 3, you win easy as that, the gear difference is… a 110 in raid gear has 30-40k hp, a 110 twink has 80-90k HP and all azerite traits, i care more about that then power leveling, why not change it so xp off means no more queing into regular players in bgs… its an absolutely horrible experience if you arent a twink. let the twinks fight it out and stop bashing regular players so they feel good about pvping when its overpowered.
Yessss this!.. I have artifact skins and quests that require the raids… LFR at 110 is way easier to do then leveling to 120 and finding people to run old content with… You wouldn’t let me refund BFA now you wont let me stay in content I enjoy on my other character…
SWTOR had no endgame. “None” as in “literally none.” So, you’d play for 2 weeks, realize there’s nothing to do. Not defending BFA in this case, just given you the actual situation lol.
why punish 119’s for what 110’s do? I’ll unsub and so will 500+ people.
No, no, no. That was an exploit that was in the game for over a decade!
they have done it before the lower bracket of twinks is riddled with people that have gear that is no longer obtainable because of hotfixes. this is part of twinking
getting stuff while you can./…
but why should i be forced to gain xp if i dont want to …
i paid for bfa i should be able to play bfa.
xp off is a feature in game i should be able to use it.
There are several reasons to turn off experience gain, not just for PvP brackets (which is actually an exploit of its own) and running old content (at still overpowered gear levels since gear is being borrowed from the next expansion). I understand it is a privilege to have the ability to turn it off and on any time we like, but saying that we don’t have the right to use it on current content due to the misuse in powerleveling is unfair to the rest of us. Instead, focus on a way to limit those players in the specific situations you are referring to.
If a level 110 character enters a scenario or dungeon and their item level is 275, they are obviously FAR too powerful for that situation. In those cases, scale their personal item level down as you would a timewalking dungeon. A level 111 character with all BfA gear should not be able to surpass ilvl 250 or so (I have a dark iron dwarf who is ilvl 246 with all 233 rare crafted gear, 1 legendary item, 3 pieces of Azerite gear, and the heart). Even with two legendaries and the helm upgraded to ilvl 300, I don’t think I can ever get him over ilvl 250, and even then he’s a little too powerful for dungeons and scenarios, but just right for open world content. If this is the case for a level 111, then a level 110 should definitely not be able to cruise a current content dungeon or scenario at item level 275+.
I propose two things instead of removing xp cessation:
An item 225 scale-down at character level 110 for BfA scenarios and dungeons. If Blizzard is truly worried about exploitation as it relates to powerleveling, then limiting the scaling to dungeons and scenarios should take care of the problem as open-world situations would not offer nearly as much experience.
Stop giving level 110 characters a level 280-295 piece of Azerite gear. That creates chaos. I think Azerite gear should scale with our characters like BoA gear. Giving 285 gear to a level 110 creates a massive bubble during character leveling as it boosts power from 110-115. If you want to see a decrease in problems with scaling, Azerite gear has to be the first thing to be addressed. I understand that its powers stay locked, but raw base abilities are still enough to make a lot of characters too powerful. Most of the BfA gear given away at level 110 is item level 210. I think the Azerite gear should start no higher than 225 and go up to 300 as characters level.
My point is if you are worried that exploitation is ruining BfA content you need to find a way to scale those players and stop them from exploiting, not punish everyone. I agree that my 110 DK should NOT be able to solo Freehold (because he can). However, he should still be able to clear current content at his own pace without leveling up. It’s not exploitation if I’m just doing it to make things faster for my alts.
That would kill the pvp aspect. Right now with xpoff in the same games as xpon the queues are 20mins or so if you are horde. 2 games an hour, really isn’t that fun.
Also both sides have so many twinks now, it is just free xp for the non-twink.
they would need to rework the entire azerite system to do what you are suggesting,.
you are also suggesting they take gear away from thousands of characters
id say hundreds of thousands but i see the same people in every bgs so i douibt that many people even play this game.
also i dont think you know what exploit means…
What’s the one thing most players @ 110-120 have in common?
The neck piece.
Crank up the secondary stats, tune them and make them viable for each spec.
Single gear piece modification, everything else stays as is.
Nah. It will happen in a hotfix one Friday morning while you sleep.
Why are you using the word “exploit” twice in your statement? No where did Blizz say what was happening was an exploit. They didn’t like people bypassing their precious quest system.
Also do you know what mythic ant gear starts at? Do you know there are a lot of 110s with 265 in all their slots outside the azerite ones and maybe weapon/trinket (280 trinket in a lot of cases).
My twink is at 264 and I don’t have any 265 titanforges as I haven’t gotten in the amount of mythic runs some of these guys do. They run it every week since the xpac came out. That is a lot of time and effort to make their characters how they are.
The average IE runner was probably 235-240 which you can get with 3x300, 2x265 and the 210s from questing with some epic proc quest gear that is 212-220 or so.
Not sure why you would want to take away what was there at the end of legion. Mythic geared 110s were just taking down everything. Mythic geared 110s today are doing the same. What’s the problem?
No, they wouldn’t. Azerite scales when you go into a timewalking dungeon. Apply the scaling to the character level past 109. They wouldn’t be taking anything away. People would wake up the next morning and their ilvl 300 Azerite helm would be an ilvl 225 “in an effort to balance character scaling”. And exploit means “make full use of and derive benefit from”, so I used it perfectly. However, I also understand exactly how the Internet works, so I know you will keep arguing your side of this little comment instead of coming up with your own ideas. This wasn’t for you, it was for Blizzard. I honestly don’t care what you think.