Pretty much. I got booted off the game today while doing the incursion on the void devilsaur and when I tried to log back in the loading bar was stuck at 70%, killed the application and relaunched to find myself dead, flagged and in a graveyard. I almost quit for good and moved to Monster hunter World.
Still not going to answer my question or…?
I answered it. Not my fault you dont like/accept the answer.
My guess is that it is rising noticeably, and they decided it needed to be fixed™.
My guess is they thought this would be meekly accepted.
The fact is we saw constant advertisements for twink powerleveling in Legion and it wasn’t a problem. I haven’t seen a single player advertising it in BfA (though I have seen a few RMT websites). So my guess is that the real problem is that people are abandoning BfA content, and their spreadsheets look bad.
What if the person didn’t understand your answer. Come on man be considerate. It’s 2018 going into 2019.
If you say so.
Wouldn’t it be better if they just pushed their “fix” through and not say anything?
Yeah stealth fixes go over so well and ruining people’s twinks is just two birds with one stone. They should hire you.
It would definitely be better for about 10 minutes, then people would figure it out and the backlash would be even worse.
Says the 100.
No, YOU level up.
fair, but this is the character I meant to post on.
Blizzard started they didn’t like the xp off system being exploited by the 110s so they were going to force xp on. Then they started they may have come to that conclusion too quickly and must discuss further options to resolve the issue at hand. No one can come up with a sound solution to the problem other than leave it alone. That means it’s going to happen.
When the few are taking advantage of a system by using it out of it’s intended purpose it’s the creators prerogative to change it how they see fit. Blizzard already posted its solution. Just waiting to implement it.
And they can just ignore it or give a generic answer that a bug was found and fixed. Sure people would still complain but Blizz wouldn’t need to reply after that.
It really is a case of we want you to play our way and no other, isn’t it.
People thinking they are being clever or slick always seem to mess things up for everyone else…
(Upfront, I’m going to apologize in advance if I come off as condescending, rude, sarcastic, or otherwise negative. One of my players I am DMing a Pathfinder campaign for has been being a total jerk today and I am more or less PO’d at everything right now.)
Not being sarcastic at all (I know, shocking isn’t it) but perhaps the solution is making the leveling experience more engaging for alts? Fix some of its fundamental problems and maybe this will curb some of the negative behaviors?
Problem One: Questing is tedious
BfA has a lot of good questing, but if there is one thing that is keeping me back from leveling alts (okay, there are several) its the introduction quests. Do we really need to do a “Welcome to Boralus!” questline for every Alliance alt? Do I need to be shown where the bank is every time I level a new toon? Add some skips through the introduction once you’ve cleared it initially and cut away that annoying bit.
Okay, this doesn’t fix all of the tedium involved with questing, but it can be expanded on. Go through each zone and find some of the worst, most tedious offenders and add skip options. Cut away some of the tedium on repeat play throughs.
Problem 2: Agency.
Right now, there isn’t a whole lot of agency when it comes to leveling. We have a handful of zones that yes, we do get to pick the order, it really doesn’t help all that much. Dungeon leveling/PvP queueing, and IE queueing is very tedious over time and for most people, not nearly as efficient as questing to max. Add some bonus stuff for levelers to speed up the alt process.
Bonus objectives for questers, let alts complete dungeon WQ’s (or something similar) for bonus EXP, maybe give some leveling PvP dailies (such as win X BGs) for some extra EXP on the side…and possibly a BG only EXP potion you could buy with Marks of Honor.
Definitely make Assaults worth doing for some quick levels, really anything you could add to mix it up while making each major avenue worth while in their own respects as paths that lead to max level.
Problem 3: Leveling feels bad.
With the terrible stat scaling as you level making you effectively lose stats (relatively speaking), and the loss of game-changing Legiondaries, this has to be the biggest reason I am put off on leveling alts. From my perspective, the ability to play at max level on my Blood DK is not nearly as fun as having my Stride boots and my Shackles of Bryndor (spelling). The GCD change makes the loss of Haste feel so much worse than prior expansions, and the loss of fun-boosting Legiondaries only increases the problem. Add NPC scaling to the deal and you’ve got an absolutely miserable experience.
A) Not really much can be done with the scaling, as it is a necessity of leveling, but it can be combated by tweaking the GCD changes further. For casters, take a look at cast times on their spells. Many spells have lost power over the years and their cast times have remained around the same…take a look at that, it might be time to shave a half second (or more) from spells like Seed of Corruption.
B) Legiondaries…just don’t take them away at 115. Don’t remove them period…if anything, just nerf the stats down so that when you hit 120 you’ll naturally replace them. For ones that smooth out rotations and actively make classes more fun to play? Bake them into the class itself. From a Warlock’s perspective, baking in all or part of Pillars of the Dark Portal would make a world of difference. Baking in Shackles on my Blood DK might make it more powerful, but numbers can always be tweaked; smooth gameplay should come first always.
C) Level scaling is something that I feel should be more dynamic than what we currently have. On one side, scaling enemies either through ilvl or through level itself can diminish one’s sense of progression while some people hate the idea that certain content becomes invalidated over time…so…why don’t we find a middle ground if scaling is here to stay?
If I had a choice in the matter, once you get Loremaster of a zone, the mobs should scale to Player Level minus…I dunno…3? Pick a number. At 120, the enemies would be 11X instead of 120. This wouldn’t affect gameplay too much, would still have a visual indication of power progression, and you would be able to kill mobs easier. Discard iLvl scaling for these mobs.
However…there is truth behind just one shoting world quest mobs. So, why don’t just dynamically apply scaling tech to mobs specifically flagged by active World Quests? Let the plebeian mobs that populate a zone be weak and easily killed while the ones that matter for active quests have some extra buffs.
Now…there are most likely more problems with leveling, and most likely I am speaking to myself at this point due to both A) Wall of Text and B) Christmas vacation so I’ll leave it at that and get back to playing the game (Again, plot twist).
I do not think people were doing this deviously while thinking they are a mastermind, people did this same thing for all of Legion and it was a non-issue.
It’s their game. Their story. You can choose to be a part of the world they have created and play it through how they see best fit for their ideas or don’t. Isn’t that great?
Then Blizzard must think they’re geniuses at this point
We are in BfA now. Clearly what happened in legion stays in legion. Even though something’s feel legionish it’s got a BfA twist to it. It might have worked in Legion but clearly they aren’t too happy with the idea of it going down this way in BfA.