And BfA is garbage.
I agree with everything you said, Elenstelle.
I would like to see them implement some sort of system that gives you an experience boost for every level-capped character you have on your account.
It would really help speed up the tedium of leveling while also not undermining the experience for people who are still going through it for the first time.
Even if BfA is their last 14 years of #1 in a dying genre says alot about the people behind the game.
I sure hope you’re getting paid for this and not doing it for free.
You can apply that exact phrase to a lot of things Blizzard implemented in BFA that were in Legion or WoD, there are things that should have been left behind but they brought them to BFA.
cough cough Mission Table cough cough
BFA just feels like a worse Legion.
If the game died from age sure, but if they kept it at Legion levels of care it’d survive to it’s twenties. All this says is that these people took the most popular mmo on the market and killed it. Which says a lot, i agree with you.
Well said. My main frustration with leveling, as mentioned before by others, you start to feel incredibly weak. My hunter’s turtle pet was getting shredded if two mobs that were the same level as me were on it and it’s a damn turtle. The default rewards that are green in quality feels so poor and the rare or epic upgrade procs are so rare they aren’t even worth mentioning.
I agree but it’s where they wanted to take things. Legion is leagues better than BfA. BfA is the current direction the game is going in. Not a great start but plenty of room to improve. I hope they get it right. I have played the others games and I enjoy WoW so much more even in it’s current condition.
BfA made me say WoD was good. Let that sink in real slow so you won’t die from laughter.
This change doesn’t affect me but: People like you really need to stop defending the indefensible.
Same. In WoD I at least had fun on my classes.
Leave him alone. I always tell myself that people like that usually has an ulterior goal in mind like getting green text status or something. No one is that dumb or that blind of a follower to defend a company without getting some form of compensation.
I will let you in on a dirty little secret, WoD was my favorite Xpac.
If I could choose to go back to any time in wow history I would redo WoD.
Even the ungodly rare spawn mount mobs?
I have rarefist, I am not really a mount collector though.
The only ‘rare’ mounts I have were just by chance when I was getting transmog or because a friend sent me a tell saying ‘come get this boi, he up.’
People need to stop being so narrow minded. I never finished WOD cause it was such a crap show. I am atleast vaguely interested in BfA so they haven’t hit rock bottom in my eyes
Not even funny…
Maybe you are being narrow minded by throwing WoD into the dirt like that, I loved WoD. I would pick WoD over BFA any day.
Not everyone is going to agree about everything, opinions will differ.
It is not meant to be a joke. Warlords is, in my eyes, the best expansion.
I can understand why other people are not fond of it, but to me it was as close to perfect as WoW has ever been.
I’m just here to watch the drama that unfolds from this dumb decision.