You sure you’re not a blizz dev?
At this point I wouldn’t be surprised if an angry mob formed, marched on blizz hq and razed it to the ground. Hate is a curious mentality.
Almost like when someone lies SO MUCH they cant keep track of all of them? Yeah… pretty much.
120 just feels worse than 110 though, by a fairly large margin. A larger margin than any xpac in the past.
i understand what you’re saying, but still, most of the people ive seen twink has no capped toon in any progression
I have taken all of your feedback into account, unfortunately, I have decided that I am not going to act on it. Please disperse.
Honestly, the problem is that they think that people doing something equals them having fun with it. People do things like reputation grinds and Mythics and leveling alts and LFRs every week and other “chores” not because they have so much fun doing content over and over and over again. They pick up Azerite traits because it’s built into the game.
They do World Quests and Island Expeditions and Warfronts not for the sheer enjoyment, but because they want the pets and mounts and transmogs and like eating one’s vegetables, doing the repetitive content is one’s penance for wanting nice things rather than having content that’s compelling enough to not have to basically bribe people into it.
Lead blizz dev*
I have a few 120s, none of them are very well geared but they are all 365-370 atm. I find BFA to be extremely dull at 120, I can get on any of my 110s and find more fun things to do.
Really is unfortunate, I wish it was not this way, but at the same time making 110 worse does not fix anything.
This individual has it right, well said.
anything a 110 can do. a 120 can do right?
Doing the new Warfront for the first time made me wish that I was not doing the new Warfront.
I’m just baffled how they managed to make Darkshore warfront worse than Arathi. That takes some real talent.
Yes, but it is not nearly as fun and that is the issue.
Instead of making 120 more fun they are taking the path of making 110 less fun.
I have to agree with you. When I do islands it’s because I want to go on a murder spree and kill everything. Now, there’s a lot less to kill and it all hits harder, even on normal.
When you have a crack team of developers working non-stop around the clock you can achieve the impossible, and it is safe to say that we have gone well and far past impossible.
If I were Ythisens, I would honestly be embarrassed to be speaking for this company as the community leader.
Cleared Uldir on normal across this toon and my rogue and would’ve had heroic cleared in the next two weeks after back when it was current, but twinking is simply more fun. I also feel that logic of yours applies more to pvp.
I really enjoy how the thing starts with like ten straight minutes of running and then segues into pure resource gathering for a hundred years, followed by a brief spurt of launching rockets at distant ships thinking that maybe you hit them? Maybe not? And constantly healing your siege weapons, to finally get flown over for a 60 second fight.
Let me see if I can explain how I feel about Islands in a somewhat understandable way.
Islands are, in practice, an endless grind. You can grind them for years and you will still probably not get every item you want from them, at least we can trade the transmog and pets.
Any attempt to make an ‘endless grind’ fun and engaging is only going to work short term, eventually you are going to be bored of this ‘fun and engaging’ change they made.
The end result is that you now have to put in more effort while still being just as bored as you were before the change.
Just let an endless grind be mindless, there is no way to keep it fun for any extended period of time. Let me turn my brain off and pull 500 crocs while I smash my face into my desk.