Disabling XP Gains on 110+ Characters

I /really/ dislike the new forums. They are a scourge greater than the Pre-WOTLK auction house invasions.

If it helps you get through what most people see as the worst part of the game a little faster then why not?

the answer is very simple. the longer you take to level, the longer you stay subbed and/or are encouraged to buy boosts

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Deploying emergency hotfix: Running content more than 3 levels below your current level will cause you to be locked into RP walk, we discussed this long and hard and decided that this is best for the health of the game.

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Time Played = # e n g a g e m e n t

That’s why they keep pruning and ruining classes, then giving back “talents” through weapons and Azerite traits…if my toons played like MoP, or Wrath, I’d lock them there compared to the new “improved” systems.

In all honesty I’m really confused why they care how anybody plays this game, as long as it’s not cheating…they should be chuffed that all different types of people play for all different types of reasons and come up with clever and innovative ways to do it?


They better start selling 120 boosts because BFA is that bad of an expansion. The proof is by now in every previous expansion I would have every class at level cap with decent profession progression. This is the first expansion I don’t even want to play or am struggling to find motivation to play.

*The longer you are encouraged to buy boosts FROM ACTIVITION-BLIZZARD 'TM.

Don’t you dare buy a boost for in game gold from a hard working player to help keep the economy flowing, that would just be evil.

Remember when they got our “time played” by making a fun game?


ok just another reason to let world of warcraft lay in the dust, my sub ends in 14 hours and will probley not be back till either the next expansion or blizzard stops making lame excuses for things. They removed the MoP & winter’s veil XP potion and than add a 10% xp potion not even a expansion later. Im done Activision ruined blizzard and their just digging a bigger hole. f.

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This is the first expansion where I have found my non level cap toons to be more fun than my capped ones.


Ion: “The only metric we care about as a development team is whether you’re having fun.”

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Hey now, just make sure you remember we are not paying you for top tier comedy. Appreciate it though, you’re wonderful.

I do find it funny, not in a ha-ha way.

It’s like they contradict themselves at every turn.

When something gets a nerf and people call " fun detected,fun nerfed" I think of that quote.

even after the 8.1 change on isles (which I’m pointing out alot here) they increased difficulty and convinced players that the system is now okay, they dont want you spend a certain amount of minutes when you’re doing their content they want to set the metric not you, anyone or me… they.

The mistake was from the start, leveling from 110 to 120 after the worst stat squish in 14 years was clear you got WEAKER as you actually leveled inestad of start gaining power again as somehow usual it was before.

Players are trying to outsmart the system by making twinks (some because they enjoy it others to bypass this) to gain HUGE power gaps without having to wait timegated raids or “gear season” as the new buzzword from blizzard for gated content.

It takes one hell of a slimy lawyer to say that with a straight face

12 hours you say… When games other games have 0 hours to get to there endgame.

This is hilarious because it’s true!

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Going to have to say that I liked islands more before 8.1, just pulling a million croccyboys was a lot more fun than what islands are right now at 120.

You know what they say? People who cant cut it at 120, twink.

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