Disabling XP Gains on 110+ Characters

how is it a better way of obtaining honor?
in my opinion doing rated arena is the best way of getting honor…

edit the fact that you think its easier at 110 shows how under geared you are …btw…

re edit Complain~To express feelings of pain, dissatisfaction, or resentment.

you sir are complaining!

The solution to this should be making the 120 experience better, not making 110 worse.


That will be one to watch, if said S2 120’s start selling Island carries at an excessive rate, what they will try and implement to slow them.

I didnt ask what you do in game I don’t care what you do in game, the only thing I care is that twinking at 110’s is better than reaching 120’s if you’re a collector or want quick easy honor.

I reserve my opinion regarding “your fun doing it”.

I already bite by answering you since you write that I’m “complaining” when I’m just stating my opinion here like you “have fun doing it”.

have you considered blizzard should probably fix their scaling and/or give 120s easier access to these things then? I shouldn’t have to gimp myself in level to get these things faster, the fastest option should be at max

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Bingo, but the latter is easier for Blizzard.

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I guess it will be time to enable experience on anyone who is level 120 so we level up and get weaker. :’)

Exactly how I feel, they should be focusing on making 120 better, instead they are taking the less intensive route of just nerfing anything that is currently better than 120.

Were island carries even that quick? I did normal when leveling and the exp gained was pathetic. Is there something I’m missing that made islands faster than questing? You don’t even get gear at a reasonable rate so islands got you to 120 and then what? You buy crafted gear to get enough ilvl to run warfronts?

This whole debate reminds of the XP in dungeon threads and the 7.3.5 nerf heirloom/level threads.

There is a crowd for and against.

Blizzard will got for the 3rd side, their own, if that happens to line up with one side? they are the lucky ones.

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You buy crafted gear to get enough ilvl to run warfronts?

pretty much. blizzards motto this expansion is “free gear for everything but azerite which is the only slot that matters”

Remember when you used to be able to powerlevel lowbies in dungeons on max toons? I miss that.

Beat me by a minute.


It really depends on how fast the person carrying them can well… carry them.

Even if they are slower it is still an ‘afk’ way to level for the people that are spending gold, it has always been a thing and nerfing 110 carriers will not get rid of it.

I would always choose spending 20 hours slogging my way through dungeons on two accounts over getting to experience this GLORIOUS ‘new and improved’, ‘scaling enhanced’, ‘pick your own adventure’, ‘70 hours of fun’ method of leveling.

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Ah yeah well afk leveling will still be leveling I suppose. Is the create topic button busted or did I get shadow banned again? Can’t create a topic.

I am not sure, I do my best to completely avoid forums since they changed them.

I’m still asking what issue they think they’re “fixing”, since the ones who made end game the only content that matters is Blizzard. So, what’s the problem with players getting to their precious endgame faster?


You too? They used to work so well on mobile, now I can’t even see my posts as i write them, or use the preview feature on threads…

I don’t really understand why this is a problem at all. If it helps you get through what most people see as the worst part of the game a little faster then why not? We don’t need the fun police to come out and nerf everything for no reason other than some one doesn’t like it. This is like the pointless bear tartare nerf. I understand waiting players to fully experience lvling at the start of the xpack. But we’re several months in and I imagine most players who are power lvling like this already have 120(s).

Deep down you know the answer to that question.

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A darned good question, I tell you what.

I think the problem is that it lets everyone see how 110 is more fun than 120, it puts all of the issues with 120 design right in front of you and they do not want that.

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