Disabling XP Gains on 110+ Characters

next thing you’ll know they’ll disable xp off at level 80 because they dont want people selling herald of the titans carries for gold


And time is irrelevant when you can instantly boost, no? If they’re just going to let others who don’t want to spend a second leveling just buy max, why do they care that some 110s are powerleveling?

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dont do it man~!

Yth, is the problem primarily the dual legendaries that many, if not most, of those powerlevelers are using to severely outscale dungeons because of the secondary stat gain? If so, would a better solution be to disable the legendaries entirely if you lock EXP gains?

Or perhaps use one of these methods to curb this (since it would seem to be mostly instance related)?

  • Reduce secondary stats by 50% when EXP gains are locked

  • Disable entering current expansion dungeons and/or any other necessary area while EXP is locked.

The second option seems the most reasonable as it only targets the players doing the activities Blizzard finds counter to their progression philosophy. This way players could run old content while locked to 110 (or whatever level) or remain in specific PvP brackets.

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I was so excited when I heard they were going to disable the xp off feature for 110+. I shouted it in every bg I was for about 2 hours. The I read that they halted it to think about it.I Lol irl. I wanted to destroy something beautiful at that point.

i agree with this guy don’t do it!

I think this is fine if they were to still allow us to queue for dungeons and islands with full twink premades or solo queue into them.

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you’re trying to put things off track here.

it’s twink based, why in the world they would care about 110’s only? twinks.

mythic antorus geared with 265 titanforged pieces with ilvl 300 azerite pieces… farming non stop isles, powerleveling people with a gold paid services (in other cases real life money services).

the solution was simple here, the stat squish they made and the scale system benefits 110s to a point where you can have ridiculous amounts of high % on stats which makes you overpowered for the big thing here (island expeditions)

random bgs and arenas are broke because pvp in general is broke either way, twinks make it worse in the end.

they needed to stop making players WEAKER as they level to 120… they didnt, people started to realize that twinking is 10000% better than reaching 120 for certain things so we got to this point.


dud if im in raid gear at the level it was intended to be used i will be powerful your complaint is invalid…

If islands were nearly as fun on my 120s I would just do it on them instead, islands on 120s are a complete slogfest right now.

Yes, by saying that Legion content should stay under Legion content and at 110, I am totally throwing people under the bus. Right.

Go back to interpreting someone else into make-believe intentions they never had (also proves you never read my complaint of not being able to work through content if they do so while my dad is dying and I spend what time I have grinding 110 content).

But… That buck stops here. Now. /bye Garbage. Go post 100+ posts about how unfair it is for you not to run IE’s on your 110 twink, but let others who actually want to run content HONESTLY get run over. It’s cool. Totally get people like you.

  • Reduce secondary stats by 50% when EXP gains are locked
  • Disable entering current expansion dungeons and/or any other necessary area while EXP is locked.

this is even worse than disabling it entirely what the f*ck


Can you make it so XP off works as long as you are not in a BFA zone? Come into a BFA zone and XP is always on. This lets 110’s in Legion continue but after Loderon they can’t be XP off anymore.

Not sure if you read the OP…

It has everything to do with the boosted/carried character…nothing else.


But you are throwing people under the bus, you are saying ‘ruin this for them so I can keep what I like’.

You missing out on Legion content because your father was dying is ENTIRELY irrelevant to anyone but you, you should not be using that as a reason to keep what you want while taking something from someone else.

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I don’t farm isles…
i do raid mythic/heroic/normal antorus and i have fun doing it!

it isnt about the stat squish .
im level 110 im wearing mythic raid gear with the level requirement of 110.
i should be powerful…
how am i supposed to raid antorus if im not geared enough to run antorus?

my 380 main can wipe the floor with most 110 twinks so i’m not sure what you are complaining about?

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Even when they nerf 110 twinks carrying islands you are going to see more and more 120s selling them once they start getting gear from season 2 of BFA.

The boosting issue does not go away by getting rid of 110 boosters.

I didnt ask what you do in game I don’t care what you do in game, the only thing I care is that twinking at 110’s is better than reaching 120’s if you’re a collector or want quick easy honor.

I reserve my opinion regarding “your fun doing it”.

I already bite by answering you since you write that I’m “complaining” when I’m just stating my opinion here like you “have fun doing it”.