Because legendaries allow you to basically be immortal gods in dungeons and IEs and you can’t die. This allows sell-runs for gold. I know this because when I first did a BFA dungeon with my heroic Antorus gear and legendaries, I could pull everything left and right and never died. I fell off after lvl 115 and became weaker so…
Also, if THAT many people are power leveling to avoid content and get to the end as fast as possible then maybe it’s the content that needs to be fixed…
Then you disable Legendaries.
Nerfing player agency instead of fixing issues with your scaling system is definitely not lazy at all.
Nah nah nah nah nah. Blizzard does this they can say good bye to subs in a heartbeat and stocks drop like a dang rock. The only reason they released the fox mount is because they are in hard need of money. Same with the “New” Black Ops without Zombie mode.
Last I checked the stock was under $45.00 which is sad.
Blizzard quit screwing around and listen to your player base.
“I am altering the deal, pray I don’t alter it any further.”
Nope, nope, nope. LOGIC OUT!
this is triggering me so hard. btw what about people that dont read forums? they log in and accidentally level? thats low
Whoa man that makes way to much sense. Also Ion is never wrong.
I can only surmise the Ion stands on his head when looking at the stock price, player count, and player satisfaction survey scores.
Hey, I never said the decisions were thought out. It’s similar to most the other decisions that have been made this expansion. It’s all short sighted design, probably because those who make the decisions don’t envision they’ll work there long-term anyway, but that’s for the tin foil hat party.
If someone would schedule a weekly meeting, gauge some actual player opinions besides the solo Candycrush players, they might see how foolish these decisions are.
Two years ago on twinks? More like since the beginning of WoW. People that Twink do so because they want to and that’s how they want to play the game that they’re renting from Blizzard. Don’t piss off your player base or we’ll leave.
too bad the leveling speed is just long and pretty boring after you have done it on your main. Doing the xp leveling made it at least quick.
Wish devs spent time improving the game instead of hurting players for using the game mechanics as they are presented.
This “fix” is shortsighted and punishes players who would prefer to stay at level 110 for Legion content, which is what disabling XP gains is supposed to allow.
A better solution would be to require level 111 for island expaditions and then remove the ability to disable XP gains for current expansions (i.e. 111-120 for BfA, 121-130 for the next beta you call an expansion).
lol busted
So they killed ML sales, they killed Title sales, they killed leveling sales…
Hold on to your hats M+ Boosters, logic would say they are coming for you next.
In 14 years of playing I almost never post. So take this for what it is.
I recently stopped my Dark Dwarf Alt at 110 to finish Legion content while I could still use the LFD/LFR features. I have a void elf alt following the same path. Are you saying, I can’t do this with my alts any longer? Or am I being dense and just missing it?
This proposed change is pure garbage.
I do not do this stuff, but people have created their own fun, so that they can feel powerful. The power that you have systematically taken away this expansion.
How is it that you can do this to make those old legendaries even more worthless, and at the same time not address the fact that I have a hundred of these stupid things cluttering up my banks on various alts as I cannot delete them or have them be heirlooms!
Every single change this expansion appears to be a collection of 1 good thing and 10 bad ones. Are you trying to drive the playerbase away?
No. Thats what they are saying.
No joke there. Seems like they’re on a roll with all the “fixes” lately.